Pages of Interest

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Review: BOB MOORE: NO HERO by Tom Andry

3.5 stars of 5

Sometimes a free book can surprise you and this was definitely the case of BOB MOORE: NO HERO. I read this novella in one sitting and found it quite engaging. 

Bob Moore is an average guy (a tippy) in a world full of “supers” – beings that have super powers.  Bob is a PI and his clients run the full spectrum from jealous tippy husbands to angry super beings. Being a PI for supers has its perks, but more than likely, the only good thing about one of these jobs is the money he gets paid to complete the job. Having an angry super being that throws fireballs at you is not a normal day at the office.  Bob takes it all in stride until he gets a call from the local police who want his help with a puzzling case.  Bob doesn’t want to become involved, and reluctantly agrees, but with the most outlandish fee he’s ever charged hoping the client would balk at the price. No such luck and Bob is on the case trying to solve the disappearance of several people. 

The author’s voice reminded me of film noir. At any minute, I expected the film to roll and hear the voice-over from our PI’s internal voice. You know the type of film I mean – “The dame walked in and boy, was she a looker.”  You can’t help but smile and I found myself laughing out loud in some places.  The pacing is good and the dialogue snappy, but I would have liked to see Bob more involved in this crucial case. The author skips over the two-week investigation with a sentence or two.  I would have also liked to see a bit more with some of the secondary characters. If you like PIs with a sense of humor, then you should definitely read this story.


  1. Great review! The book sounds like a fun, interesting twist pulled on the office world.

  2. Thanks Jordan! Glad you liked it. The book was indeed a fun read.

  3. Thanks so much for the review. I'm finishing up the full length sequel (should be out in October) and I think you'll find that Bob is much more involved in a story that has more twists and turns than the novella. Much more character development as well. Again, thanks for taking the time to look at No Hero.


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