Pages of Interest

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Interview with Lorraine Sears

Briefly describe your journey in writing your book. 
I’ve always enjoyed reading and writing about Heaven and Hell, Angels, Demons and the Devil.  I’m not macabre about it, but I enjoy pushing the concepts around in my imagination.  Big Red was an exercise in romancing the Devil that I fell completely in love with (no pun intended).  It was a joy to write, not to mention a lot of fun.

What genre are your books?  Do you write in more than one genre?
My stories cover all genres, from spirituality to eroticism, horror to children’s tales.  It’s all about the inspiration for me.  I don’t write for a market, I write for myself.  If I think its good enough, then I look for a suitable market.

If you write in more than one genre, do you use a pen name?
I must admit I’ve thought about using a pen name, especially when I’ve written erotica.  I have two young children and I worry about any comeback on them.  But I don’t just write erotica and all my stories are just that, stories, pure fiction.  There’s nothing to be ashamed about, as far as I see it.  I love writing, no matter the genre.  There have been a few raised eyebrows from mum’s at the school gate when they hear about some of the things I write, but so far people have just been curious and then super supportive. 

What factors influenced your decision to sign with Untreed Reads? 
I have three other titles with Untreed Reads: A Daughters Love, Pumpkin Lie and Wasting Time.  Untreed Reads are a great publisher to work with.  The communication between publisher and author is excellent and everyone in the Untreed Reads family works together to promote the company all their titles.  Big Red is my favorite short fiction that I have created so far, I couldn’t think of a better home for him.

What kinds of social media [twitter, facebook, webpage, blog, writing forums] are you involved with trying to garner attention for your book(s)?
I Tweet, I have a Facebook Page, an Author page on Amazon, a writers blog: Red Lorry’s Journey, and as for writing forums… I’m actually a moderator on the Writer’s Beat.  When I have new stories published I like to share them with other members in the Writer’s CafĂ©. 

Being a moderator on the forum also means I’m a contributing editor the forum’s ezine: The Writer’s Beat Quarterly.  We have a regular feature called ‘Member’s News’ where we invite all members to share their successes.  It’s always nice to be able to include my news there too.

How do you feel about the world of digital publishing?  Do you think it will replace traditional publishing one day? 
Ah, the million dollar question.  I must admit I will always be a fan of the paper page.  I love the tangible quality of a book and there’s nothing as satisfying as owning a good stuffed bookshelf; we have several in our house.  Bookshelves make a home as far as I am concerned, but you can’t have bulging bookshelves when all your literature is on an e-reader. 

However, that said, e-publishing has so many benefits: instant access, logistical ease, better for the environment, titles are less expensive, etc...  I’d like to think there will be room in the future for both paper publishing and e-publishing, but I suppose time will tell.

What is the biggest thing you’ve learned during your journey as an author?
Always end your writing day when you still have ideas in your head.  That way you come back to the blank page with plenty of inspiration.  Ernest Hemingway was an advocate of this practice and it certainly works for me. 
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Simple; read.  If you want to write, you have to read.

What’s next for you? 
Well, excitingly, in addition to the release of Big Red which coincides with Halloween, I have a four short stories coming out in the Pill Hill Press Daily Flash Fiction Anthology, 2012, to be released in November (2011).  And I have a comedy piece included in the My Funny Valentine anthology, by My Funny Books, in January 2012. 

On top of that I’m always busy on Writer’s Beat, keeping a presence on the forum and contributing to the Writer’s Beat Quarterly.  That’s to say nothing of The Red Asylum which publishes short, dark and twisted fiction, where I am a founding, co-editor.    

But, the main goal for me is to see the publication of my novels.  I’ve just finished co-writing an erotic novella, which we are actively seeking publication.

I’m co-writing a full length Jack the Ripper novel with another writing partner, which we have very high hopes for.

And on top of all that I’m just wrapping up my first novel in a planned paranormal romance series called Soul Takers, for which I’ll soon be looking for an agent.

It’s all go, go, go and I hope it never stops.

Pumpkin Lie 

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