Pages of Interest

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Review: IN MEMORY OF GREED by Al Boudreau

3.5 of 5 stars

Murhkin Mocado, an ex-Navy Seal, can't seem to catch a break. He was dishonorably discharged from the Navy and is now trying to put his life back in order, but nothing is ever simple. Framed for a crime he did not commit, Murhkin is the perfect pawn by some unsavory characters and he finds himself caught up in a global conspiracy, corporate greed and an ecological disaster in the making. The race is on and Murhkin must unravel the mystery of who is pulling the strings in time to save thousands of innocent lives.

The author weaves an intriguing story from Murhkin's abduction from a hospital bed in California to a flight to Ireland and finally to Kenya, Africa. The global manhunt for Murhkin is on. Never having been to Africa, I was transported to the plains with breath-taking descriptions. It is here that the action is racheted up another notch.  I was routing for Murhkin with every passing heart-pounding chapter. The cast of characters are well-fleshed out especially Murhkin, although I did find Stuart Roth, the CEO of ModAgro, a little over-the-top.

I would have liked to rank this book higher because I did enjoy the fast-paced and intriguing storyline, but the ending of the book is a bit jumbled and tied up in a neat bow without resolving some of the very issues that Murhkin faced in the opening pages of the book. I would have liked more explanation in the epilogue. Despite this, In Memory of Greed is a very good read. Fans of political intrigue and thrillers will enjoy this one.

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