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Monday, October 10, 2011

Spotlight: CRAP CHRONICLES by Diana Estill

Book Blurb: Award-winning humorist Diana Estill shares her family's funniest colon calamities: a marathon race cut short by "bubble gut," a snorkel trip ruined by a Caribbean buffet, and a "hell burger" that defended its title against her normally demure daughter-in-law, and more. Stranded without wipes when only a fire hose could do the job, each victim gains more than renewed appreciation for indoor plumbing.

Anyone who's ever suffered a case of "traveler's trots" or been brought to his knees by the lack of porcelain will relate to these tales of digestive disasters.

An IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) sufferer, Estill courageously comes out of the bushes and ventures past the bounds of "too much information" to confess some of life's most embarrassing--yet funniest--moments.

Length: 9,000 words

Author Bio:  Diana Estill is the author of three humor books and one collection of short stories: Driving on the Wrong Side of the Road, Deedee Divine's Totally Skewed Guide to Life, a ForeWord Book of the Year Finalist and an International Book Awards winner in humor, Stilettos No More, and Crap Chronicles.

Prior to becoming an author, Diana worked for many years as a journalist and humor columnist. Her columns have appeared in The Dallas Morning News, Washington Post, The Miami Herald, Road & Travel, and other publications. She has been featured in First Magazine and has appeared on a variety of TV shows and radio programs.

I have a mini-sampler of reprinted essays from several of my books available now for free from Smashwords and Apple's iTunes. I'm still trying to make the eBook free on Kindle, where it's currently priced at 99 cents. Here are the freebie links to You Can't Change Crazy: Smashwords, iTunes.

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