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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Spotlight: MY PLANET, OR YOURS? by LC Evans

Book Blurb
Nora Bryant is a single Earth woman out to ban men from her life after a recent breakup. Triskam is a strikingly handsome extraterrestrial, who crash lands near her remote Arizona home. Add to this mix, a couple of misguided thugs looking for a gold rush, an overly friendly, not-so-guard dog, and a communications device that thinks it's a nanny, and you have My Planet or Yours?, a delightful new romantic comedy by LC Evans, author of the Kindle bestseller, We Interrupt This Date

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Reviewers Comments:

"A truly quirky out-there and yet down-to-earth tale of romance with a special guy, a space-traveler from another planet who also happens to be a hunk... Add some bad guys and a loveable pup and you have another great read from LC Evans. Highly Recommended!" Barbara Silkstone

"Another whimsical romance from the deft imagination of L.C. Evans." Dana Taylor

"I discovered L.C.'s novels a while back and thoroughly enjoyed them. When I saw this new one - I knew I had to purchase it and wasn't disappointed. If you want a fast whimsical story to read - this fits the bill." N.A. Gauthier

Author Bio:

L.C. Evans began her writing career with short stories and essays before branching out into novel writing. More than a hundred of her stories and humorous essays have been published in such magazines as Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, Woman's World, Horse Illustrated, and Ladies Circle among many others. Over the years Ms. Evans has won awards in writing contests and has kept busy honing her craft by taking writing courses and attending writing seminars. She was recently a featured presenter at the Carolinas Writers Conference in Wadesboro, North Carolina. After traditional publication of Talented Horsewoman, the first of her Leigh McRae horse mystery novels, Ms. Evans decided to take control of her career by trying her hand at indie publishing. 

"All this means," she says, "is that I pay for my own editing, proofreading, cover design, formatting, and all the other publishing expenses. However, I also get complete control over my books, and that means I can keep the price low. Readers on a budget will still have access to my books. I care deeply about all of my readers and I take great joy in the many fan letters readers send me."

Please contact her at:

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