Pages of Interest

Monday, December 5, 2011

Interview with Susan Furlong-Bolliger

Briefly describe your journey in writing your story.
I have the real characters of Wrestlemania to thank for this story!  I sometimes volunteer to work concessions at our local arena as a fundraiser for our kids’ school.  One evening, I worked Wrestlemania.  What a hoot!  As I set up my stand, I was privy to all the back stage hoopla surrounding the event.  I had never realized just how much work goes into professional wrestling.  What fascinated me the most is the contrast between the performers’ off-stage personalities and their on-stage personas.   “Murder on the Ropes” developed from that fascination.  Actually, how could I not write a story after witnessing so many interesting characters! 

What genre are your books?  Do you write in more than one genre? 
I also work on contract as an academic writer.  I’m able to do this from home which works well for our family.  As for fiction, I prefer to write mysteries but I’ll write anything that I can sell … well, unless it’s something I wouldn’t want my mother to read. 

If you write in more than one genre, do you use a pen name? 
A pen name?  Hmm … I hadn’t thought of that.  Perhaps I could start writing something a little more … uh … lucrative.  (Just kidding, Mom.)

What factors influenced your decision to sign with Untreed Reads?
A better question might be what influenced Untreed Reads to sign with me.  At the time, I had just signed a novel with an agent and had started to wait through the submission process … and wait … and wait…. Then, I saw Untreed Reads’ call for holiday short stories and thought, why not?  They accepted my first piece of published fiction, “Christmas in Killarney.”  What a thrill!

Do you plan to self-publish any other books or will you stay with Untreed Reads. 
Geez … is this a trick question?  I’m pretty sure that someone at Untreed Reads will be reading this interview.  

I feel that self-publishing has worked well for many authors.  For now, it’s not a good fit for me.  I have four kids, writing assignments, laundry and dirty dishes up the wazoo!  I don’t even have time to figure out what it takes to self-publish something.  Besides, Untreed Reads is one of the largest distributors of e-books.  I’ve been happy with the exposure my work has received and the integrity and professionalism in which Untreed Reads conducts business.
What kinds of social media are you involved with trying to garner attention for your work?
I’m active on Twitter (@foulplayauthor) and Goodreads.  I have a website and an Amazon Author Page.  I also belong to several on-line writing/reading forums such as the Cozy Mystery Korner, The Short Mystery Fiction Society (SMFS) and (MMA) Murder Must Advertise.  I belong to the national Sisters in Crime organization as well as the SinC Chicagoland chapter. 

How do you feel about the world of digital publishing?  Do you think it will replace traditional publishing one day?
There are many benefits to digital publishing—easy access, lower production costs, cheaper purchasing prices and environmental benefits.  With that said, I’ve never placed any of my kids on my lap and read a story to them via a Kindle.  I also find a full bookshelf enticing and have never met a librarian that wasn’t BFF material.  There’s no doubt that e-publishing will continue to prosper.  In the end, however, I think we’ll find that there’s enough room in the industry for both digital and paper publishing.

What is the biggest thing you’ve learned during your journey as an author?
Time management. My family is my first priority and that in itself tends to be a lot to manage.  Plus, as a writer, I’m expected to be a researcher, creator, proof-reader, publicist…. That’s a lot to juggle! 

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Submit, submit, and resubmit. 

What’s next for you?
More writing and submitting.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for my first published full-length novel this upcoming year.

Buy Link:

Book Blurb:
Delaney expects it will be difficult to convince her father to leave behind his career as a pro-wrestler and get a normal job; but what she doesn’t expect is that he’ll be accused of murder in the process. Will she be able to sort through a cast of quirky characters to find the real murderer, or will she find herself on the wrong side of the ropes?

A short story from our Fingerprints mystery line. 


  1. Hi guys, thanks for doing this interview with Susan. Great to see her getting exposure because I can tell you - from personal experience - she is one of the most supportive people I know. Great interview and best of luck with "Murder on the Ropes" Susan!

  2. Interesting interview. I always love to get a behind the scenes look at how a story is born! Susan looks like an author who enjoys her craft. I'm ready to download "Murder on the Ropes" right now and be entertained!


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