Pages of Interest

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Interview with Donna Burgess, 1 Year Later

How have things changed for you in the past year?
It's been a great year for learning about not only publishing, but the craft of writing. I went from constantly checking my inbox for responses from agents to checking actual sales numbers!

What kind of marketing did you do to get your book in front of readers?For Darklands: A Vampire's Tale, I did a month-long blog tour. It was a lot of fun, although I'm terrible at coming up with clever guest posts. I did giveaways on Goodreads and post on Facebook and Twitter. The first Kindle Nation Daily sponsorship also brought a spike in sales. For my next book, Solstice (which will be out May 1), I plan to do the same things. What's great about having a year's experience behind me is knowing what marketing methods don't work, at least for me.

Do you have a publishing contract for your current book?  Will you consider one?
I don't have a contract for Solstice. I enjoy being in complete control, but I would consider signing a contract, if the right deal came along.

Any foreign rights sold?
Nothing yet.

Do you have plans for any more books?
I just received the edits back for Solstice and am fast at work on a YA zombie novel (yeah, that hasn't been done before). After the the zombie novel, I have southern ghost novel. I hope both of those will be finished before the end of the year.

Any advice for newbie authors?
I'm really big on "indie" publishing, obviously. The main thing I would stress to newbies is to hire an editor! A good editor is simply invaluable. I use Lynn O'Dell and Red Adept and she has been worth every penny. Also, a professional-looking cover is important. There are those who are down on indie authors (check those inane threads on the Amazon message boards), so it's our job to offer a product that is indistinguishable from those of the major publishers. Finally, develop a thick skin. Not everybody who reads your book is going to think its a work of art, but that's okay. Just keep writing. 


  1. i agree with her comments for Indies about the professionalism of the cover and the hiring of the editor. That really makes a lot of sense. If funds are wanting, I know folks who are using Kickstarter to launch their project. It's a thought.
    Thanks for the interview. Worthwhile for me given the time span. Just dropped by via Twitter. (talk about a valuable site)

    Joined your blog via GFC and networked. Return the favor and join mine? Thanks for your support.

    Ciao for now,
    Carole (

  2. Morning Carole,

    Thanks for stopping by. Just followed you on twitter as well. Have a great day.


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