Pages of Interest

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Interview with Karina Kantas

Can you give us an overview of your latest book?
My latest indie book is a YA supernatural thriller novella called Stone Cold. Apart from the supernatural element and the gruesome murders, most of this novella is taken from my own experiences.

My latest traditional published book is an urban thriller called Huntress.
When Sofi learns of the pain her family has suffered at the hands of the cruel leader of a motorcycle club, she vows to get revenge. With her journalistic skills she infiltrates the club, finding surprises of her own. Enter a world of outlaw MC’s.

How long before you got your first contract?
In the last ten years I have submitted most of my manuscripts to agents and publishers. Huntress was accepted by MMP a year after it was completed and was released late 2011.

What influenced your decision to go with this particular publisher?
MMP was the first publisher willing to take a chance on an unknown genre.

What influenced your decision to self publish through Amazon?
My paperback books In Times of Violence, Heads & Tales, Lawless Justice and Stone Cold were already sold through Amazon. Kindle was just another outlet for me.

Are you currently under a traditional publishing contract for future books or will you publish further manuscripts for Kindle?
I have a new manuscript Road Rage that I will probably submit to my publisher when they have new openings. I don’t want to self publish again.

Do you have an editor to review your manuscripts before publishing?
I used to have a couple of authors look though my work before submitting it. Now I have an editor and a secret reader who gets to see the MS before anyone else.

What lessons have you learned being indie author vs traditionally published?
The most important lesson is that if it sound too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t believe everything you read. I’ve been burned badly by two so-called publishers of self published books. I’m still paying for my mistake. Thankfully now I have a genuine publisher. I’m learning to trusts again.

If you used a graphic designer or publishers designer how involved were you during this process for your cover.
For my indie novels I have been lucky to find some excellent artists that offered their talent for free. As with the publisher’s designer, I’ve been involved from the beginning. I have exactly what I wanted and was sent updated drafts throughout the process.

The cover for Huntress was designed by Stephen Blundell:

The covers for Lawless Justice and Heads & Tales were designer by Scott Tierney:

Both artists will take commissions when time allows.

Do you find it difficult to juggle your time between marketing your current book and writing your next?
It’s such a struggle. I don’t have any time to write at the moment as I’m so busy on Facebook
and Kindle forums, marketing the five titles I have.

What’s next for you?
My completed MS urban thriller is currently being submitted to literary agents and when I get back to writing again, I have to complete my MI5 thriller Broken Chains. 

So where can we find your books?

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