Pages of Interest

Monday, May 14, 2012

5 Compelling Reasons to Guest Post by Christine Kane

Today, I'd like to welcome Christine Kane to Two Ends of the Pen. She will explain why you should think about doing a guest post for bloggers. Take it away Christine!

As a blogger it is best to always try to be your best blogging self and guest posting is a great way to do that. Guest posting has many different reasons why it can help you and your blog, check them out:

Great for brainstorming for future articles: Writing for another blog can help you brainstorm up some future posts for your own blog. Typically when you write for something that is not your own, you feel less pressure and the need for more creative thoughts begin. During this guest posting time, write down any other ideas that come into your mind as you work on the guest post.

Get ideas for your own blog: Each blog has a different set up and writing style. Most blogs you guest post for will have rules and guidelines that they want you to follow. Some of them will request a certain format, style, word count and font. You may gather some ideas on the look of your blog too.

Practice grammar: You have heard that slogan many time, practice makes perfect. That applies with writing, the more you write the better you will get at it. Guest posting forces you to really focus and concentrate on your word production making sure that the sentence structures, grammar and word usage are a good representation of your writing.

Get your name out there: The more blogs you write for the more you get your name out there. And the more you get your name out there, the more you will get recognized. If you write a post that is interesting and entertaining enough, this guarantees new readers for you.

Step outside of your norm: If you typically blog about one subject then guest posting is a great way for you to expand your blogging horizons. Find blogs that you are interested in and that you can connect with.  You never know what you can gain from writing for a guest post; you could tap into a whole new genre of writing.
Now log on and start searching for your next guest post. Pick something that interests you and have fun with it! Don’t forget to follow the bloggers rules and guidelines and link back to your personal blog. Good luck and happy blogging!

Author Bio:
This Guest post is by Christine Kane from internet providers, she is a graduate of Communication and Journalism. She enjoys writing about a wide-variety of subjects for different blogs. She can be reached via email at: Christi.Kane00 @


  1. So, do you want to exchange guest posts then?

  2. I love playing hostess because it gives me a chance to connect with talented people who enrich my blog's output. And I like guest-posting because it's a great way to meet new people nad hopefully connect with new readers.


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