Pages of Interest

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Review: ANGEL FIRE by Valmore Daniels

4 of 5 stars

Avenging angel or murderer? This is the choice you need to make in ANGEL FIRE. The book opens with Darcy Anderson being released from prison after serving a ten-year sentence for manslaughter. This immediately captured my interest and is an excellent opening that kept me turning the pages. Why was she in prison? Who did she kill? The rest of the story focuses on Darcy as she tries to go home and blend in with the good townsfolk of Middleton. Unfortunately for her, people remember her as the girl who killed her parents in a horrific house fire. As if that wasn't bad enough, the Sheriff and her ex-husband Barry will not let the past rest and relentlessly confront her at every turn.

As the story unfolds, Mr. Daniels skillfully reveals more details about Darcy and what really happened on the night her parents were killed. Is she a "fire bug" as some call her or does she have an other worldly power to bring forth intense fire at will? The secondary characters are nicely fleshed out and I especially liked her Uncle Edward, a stern no-nonsense kind of guy. Darcy's inner turmoil as she comes to grips with her power is portrayed quite well by the author. Throw in a love interest with a strange power of his own and it's hard to put the book down.

I don't want to put any spoilers in the review, but suffice it to say, this is indeed an intriguing read. Whether you love her or hate her for the things she does, this book will keep you thinking long after you've finished reading. Does the end justify the means?

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