Pages of Interest

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Interview with Anne Brear

Today I'd like to welcome Anne Brear to Two Ends of the Pen. 

How are your story ideas born?
My story ideas are born from all sorts of sources. Usually when I’m doing 
something mundane, like ironing or washing the floor, etc, and ideas will 
come into my head then. Sometimes they might come from researching. 
I might be flipping through my research books and I’ll see something 
interesting that leads to ideas for a story.

How many works in progress do you have?
At the moment I’m just starting a new historical women’s novel set in Victorian Yorkshire again. It’s my favourite time and place. I feel comfortable writing it. 
I recently finished the first draft of another story.

What is your writing process?
I simply open a blank page and allow the story idea to flow. I like to write when it is quiet, the house is peaceful and everyone is out. Sometimes, I enjoy having some music on in the background.

What writing mechanic challenges you?
Probably grammar. I suck at it!

What’s your favorite part of the writing process?
The beginning. I love writing the first three chapters, weaving everyone in and getting to know them.

What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
The least part I like is editing when the book is finished and I have ideas for a new story that are 
begging to get out. Once a book is written I’m eager to start something new, but I know editing 
is important!
How long did it take to write your latest release?
My novels, especially my historical novels usually take about 6 months to write. Sometimes it 
depends on what is happening in my life at the time. I try to make 6 months as my goal. But it 
doesn’t always happen.

Do you have a favorite line or scene from your story?
From The Gentle Wind’s Caress there are many scenes that really grab me, but I think the ending 
is one of the best, where Isabelle sees that the future could be bright again, just in a different way 
than what she expected.

The Gentle Wind’s Caress
Historical women’s fiction/romance
Book Blurb:
Halifax, 1876. On the death of her mother and sister, Isabelle Gibson is left to fend for herself and 
her brother in a privately-run workhouse. After the matron's son attempts to rape her, Isabelle decides 
to escape him and a life of drudgery by agreeing to marry a moorland farmer she has never met. But 
this man, Farrell, is a drunkard and a bully in constant feud with his landlord, Ethan Harrington. 
When Farrell bungles a robbery and deserts her, Isabelle and Ethan are thrown together as she struggles
to save the farm. Both are married and must hide their growing love. But despite the secrecy, Isabelle 
draws strength from Ethan as faces from the past return to haunt her and a tragedy is set to strike that 
will change all of their lives forever.

Amazon USA

 Thanks so much for having me!
You're welcome Anne! I thoroughly enjoyed your latest release, Gentle Wind's Caress. Readers 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the interview, Ann. I have The House of Women on my Kindle - think it's jumped up my TBR pile x


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