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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Review: DEATH NOTICE by Alicia Dean

5 of 5 stars

 "Death Notice" was referred to me by a friend and I'm so glad she did. The author has done a superb job in creating suspense and mystery in this story. Monroe Donovan is an obit writer - pretty boring most of the time, but she plods along longing to get back to the crime desk. She's been patiently waiting for the crime writer job for 2 years and her promotion is complicated by the fact that her ex-boyfriend is also her boss, Adam. Anyone who has been in this position knows how these things go - not only does Monroe not get the promotion, but Adam reprimands her for letting an obit go to print with the date of death 2 days in the future.

Monroe is clearly upset about Adam's betrayal, that is, until Detective Lane Brody comes to the paper to interview Monroe about the obit. Seems the obit wasn't wrong after all--the victim was found murdered on the date listed. Sparks are clearly flying between Monroe and Lane, but there's another problem. Lane is married, but it's complicated. When a second obit shows up with the wrong date, Detective Lane realizes that he has a serial killer case on his hands.

Ms. Dean does a great job of letting the reader inside both Monroe's and Lane's head and what they're feeling for each other. They're scenes together sizzle. I could feel their forbidden passion for one another--the writing is that good. The mystery of who the serial killer will definitely surprise you. The clues are there, but Ms. Dean is very clever with them. Fans of mystery and suspense will thoroughly enjoy this book. Highly Recommended.


  1. Thank you so much. I'm thrilled and flattered with your review. So glad you enjoyed my book.

    Best wishes...

  2. Thanks for stopping by Alicia! I will definitely be checking out more of your books.


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