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Friday, October 5, 2012

Blog Tour Blast: SMILODON by Alan Nayes


Seven years after a near-fatal mauling by a grizzly bear, in which his only son was killed, Jason Bristol, a one time prize-fighter and expert animal tracker, is back in the woods tracking again--when he's not nursing the nearest fifth of whiskey. Then Jason's best friend and mentor is discovered half-buried beneath a mat of pine needles. The prospector's mangled corpse has been mauled virtually beyond recognition. A rancher loses a prize thoroughbred and suddenly the nightmare responsible for Jason's downward spiral is rekindled as Jason is thrust back into the wilderness on the trail of a predator that defies belief.

 The time clock has begun for Norah Phelps, too, daughter of multimillionaire real estate developer Richard Phelps whose recent purchase of the 95,000 acre former Clarksdale Animal Preserve has pitted environmentalist and wildlife biologist daughter against capitalist father. Norah, responsible for relocating the local wolf population, remains unconvinced a pack of marauding wolves are accountable for the attacks and enlists Jason's help in her quest for the real killer before the spate of killings can jeopardize not only her future but also the future of her father's prize development project. Against the majestic pristine backdrop of Idaho's Bitterroot Wilderness Area, the story unfolds. Jason, with Norah's assistance, soon discovers the ghosts of his past are nothing compared to the battle he's undertaken. Smilodon. A saber-toothed cat. He's angry, he's frightened, he's hungry, and he's 12,000 years from home!

SMILODON 75,000 words or about 300 pages Alan Nayes is the author of GARGOYLES, THE UNNATURAL, BARBARY POINT, and GIRL BLUE. Buy on Amazon /Amazon UK / Barnesandnoble / Smashwords

 Follow Alan Nayes Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Blog / His website

The author is giving away a $25 Giftcard and ebook copies of GARGOYLES and PLAGUE book 1 and 2 of the Resuurrection Trilogy.

 Fill out the form below for your chance to win. Ends 10/21 a Rafflecopter giveaway

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