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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Spotlight: EleMental, Level 1 by Steven O'Connor

Book blurb
This is Level 1 of the young adult sci-fi thriller 'EleMental: A First-person Shooter' – newly republished as an ebook from the original 2010 print edition and available exclusively through Amazon.  

One moment, you're sitting at your desk, the next, you're battling something that's half-dinosaur, half-tank.

Set in 2050, three teenagers encounter a deadly new virtual reality game called EleMental. Deliberately designed to be highly addictive, to control rebellious asteroid miners, EleMental has a by-product no one was ready for: gameblur - the confusion of reality and virtuality.

Praise for the original print edition
'... a fantastic and exciting debut novel by Steven O’Connor ... entertaining mix of futuristic sci-fi, horror, action and angst ... this reads like Philip K Dick for teenagers. With the narrative sneakily shifting between the real and virtual worlds, O’Connor explores some fairly complex and sophisticated issues in a thrilling and accessible way.'
Bookseller+Publisher, June 2010.

 '... the author does an excellent job of creating Virtualitee, and by the end readers might feel as if they have had a lucky escape from its clutches, too.'
Booklist, May 2012.

EleMental: Level 1 is FREE October 6 ONLY. 

'EleMental: A First-person Shooter (Levels 2-4)' is also currently being offered. Readers can collect the set!

Buy links

Author Bio:
Originally from Luton, England, Steven O'Connor now lives in Melbourne, Australia with his wife, two teenage children and Sparks, his ever-attentive, ever-hungry Cavalier King Charles spaniel (aka a toy dog).
His initial manuscript for 'EleMental: A First-person Shooter' (or E-FPS) won him a coveted Young Adult Fiction Writers' Mentorship at the national Varuna Writers' Centre in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia.
The print edition of E-FPS was first published in Australia as 'EleMental' by Pier 9/Murdoch Books in 2010. The 2012 'makeover edition' is now being offered exclusively through Amazon in a series of level ebooks (1-4), or as the complete ebook.
'MonuMental', the follow up, will be published soon.
When Steven O'Connor is not writing, he's a health education social worker and he's passionate about health promotion for young people.
You can find out more about Steven O'Connor from his website If you would like to be kept up to date with Steven O'Connor's activities and free promotions, you should subscribe to the ElaMentaList through his website.

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