Friday, February 28, 2020

#Review: A DUKE IS NEVER ENOUGH by Darcy Burke

  3.5 of 5 stars
Marcus Raleigh, Marquess of Ripley, is a known rake and he does nothing to dissuade anyone of that opinion. When Phoebe Lennox cleans his wound after a fight in the park with his cousin, he wants to spend more time in her company, but he doesn't go around debauching innocents. Phoebe is an independently wealthy spinster who has carved out an enjoyable life for herself, although once she meets Marcus, her life seems lonely. Can these two be friends or are they destined for more?

I'm a fan of Ms. Burke's and love her books. The beginning of this book starts off well. I liked the witty banter between Marcus and Phoebe although after one picnic outing together, Phoebe wants more. I thought Phoebe's character was a little shallow. She supposedly has all this wealth, but nothing is mentioned about her contributing to any charity besides a bet with Marcus early on in the story. She spends her wealth on card parties and expensive paintings. I would have liked her character to be more well rounded and not so much time spent on the sex scenes. I skipped most of those paragraphs to see where the murder mystery subplot was going. I thought that was more interesting. In any event, Marcus and Phoebe do get their HEA. I'm looking forward to reading her friend's Jane's story.

I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy and all opinions are my own.

#Excerpt: DECEIVED by Lisa Hughey

Lisa Hughey
(Alias, #5)
Publication date: February 3rd 2020
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

He’s done rescuing people. She doesn’t want to be rescued.
They’re both about to be disappointed.
The next installment in the ALIAS world features disgraced partner Marsh Adams who is seeking redemption and Ayesha Brown, an up and coming artist with a huge problem. This reverse heist, bodyguard for a woman in peril interracial romance features a strong family theme.

The door swung open with a crash. “Sorry I’m late.” A slender Black woman swept in like a tropical storm.
His first impression was color.
Bright, vibrant movement. Whirling dervish. And color.
He started at the bottom and surveyed his way up.
Worn, pale blue Converse high-tops splattered with paint. Ripped skinny jeans with splotches of paint in bold red, yellow, bright blue, even some neon green and orange. A white tunic sweater slipped off one shoulder revealing bare skin and collarbones. The nipples of her small breasts pushed against the top, boldly proclaiming her braless.
Her face was stunning: high cheekbones, regal nose, black arched brows. Striking hazel eyes shimmered with secrets and mirth, as if she had a private joke just for them.
Except everyone probably felt like that around her.
She was one of those people who oozed magnetism and sex appeal.
Just like his father, if he were honest. And that thought made him want to gag and then spew all over the old man’s office.
She had skin the color of rich Brazilian hardwood and hair a natural halo around her face. She had another splotch of paint on her bare neck, and her fingers were long and elegant and adorned with paint, as she gestured at the old men. “Problem on the metro. Was stuck on the train.”
Everything about her screamed free spirit and unrestrained joy.
“Ayesha, darling.” The judge walked toward her with open arms and embraced her. He squeezed her tightly, just a little too long. But in an odd turn of events, Marsh didn’t think his father’s touch was sexual. He seemed almost paternal.
That was weird.
“Good to see you again as well, Uncle Bobby.”
“Lovely to see you again, my dear.” His father slung his arm over the woman’s shoulder and turned her to face Marsh. “This is my son, Marsh.”
Uncle Bobby? Now Marsh was really confused.
“Marsh, I want you to help Ayesha.”
What the hell?
Ayesha Brown stopped in her tracks. Raised one eyebrow and scanned her gaze over Marsh Adams.
So this was Marsh Adams.
She’d been hearing about the prodigal son for years, but she’d never met him.
He was…not what she expected. Oh, he looked a little bit like his father, taller, thinner, with his paternity written in the austere lines of his pale white face. She tilted her head and studied the angles of his face—he had the square jaw and high forehead that emphasized his eyes, but his nose was crooked, adding interest to the otherwise perfect lines. Peripherally she noted his clothes, appreciating the suit porn.
Pinstripes. Tie. Shiny shoes. Stuffy. Tightly wound. Buttoned up. But that nose didn’t fit with the rest of his appearance.
Since she knew how much heartache he had caused his father, she nodded once at him and stuffed her hands in her pockets. A clear rejection of cultural normative standards. She wasn’t about to shake his hand.

Author Bio:
USA Today Bestselling Author Lisa Hughey has been writing romance since the fourth grade, which was also about the time she began her love affair with spies. Harriet and Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys later gave way to James Bond and Lara Croft and Jason Bourne.
Exploring the complex nature of a profession that requires subterfuge and lies fascinates her. She loves combining her two passions into fiction. As evidenced by her Black Cipher Files series.
Archangel Rafe was her first foray into the paranormal but after spending time in the Angelic Realm, it won't be her last. At their heart, the Seven novels are about the dynamics of family relationships. But the really hot Archangels don't hurt.
And recently she's been immersed in the Stone Family novellas, four stories about a blended family of brothers and sister who have a lot more in common than they realize. But of course she couldn't just write about family and romance. There are complex plots, bad guys, and suspense too.
Lisa loves to hear from readers and has various places you can connect with her, although, shh, Twitter is her favorite.

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Thursday, February 27, 2020

#Review: AN INCONVENIENT DUKE by Anna Harrington

  4 of 5 stars

Marcus Braddock, Duke of Hampton and former war hero, begins to suspect his sister's death was not an accident when he finds a mysterious note among her things. Danielle Williams, his sister's best friend, may have information concerning her death and Marcus is determined to learn every one of her secrets. Feelings develop between these two, but can Danielle trust Marcus with her secrets and more importantly, her heart?

I'm a fan of Ms. Harrington and enjoy her books. "An Inconvenient Duke" is the first book in a new series and introduces a nefarious foe that will be central to all the books in the series. Both Marcus and Danielle have their demons to slay and I wish their relationship was developed a bit more before they declared their love for each other. I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

I voluntarily read the advanced reader copy and all opinions are my own.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Interview with Melanie A. Smith, NEVER DATE A DOCTOR

Can you give us a brief overview of your latest book? Is it part of a series?
Never Date a Doctor is a steamy medical romance where Sasha, a nurse going to school at night to become a nurse practitioner, does her best not to fall for the hot new British doctor in her unit, Cal. He’s got his own issues, plus there’s the whole forbidden workplace romance aspect. It’s the first book in a series where each book can be read as a standalone.
Have you ever had a minor character evolve into a major one? Did that change the direction of the novel at all?

The first series I wrote started with one main love interest. I introduced another male character that was just supposed to inject a little tension, but he pretty much took over the series after that, in an apparent traditional romance novel no-no. So it’s a good thing I’m self-published because he’s a reader favorite!

What factors influenced your decision to self-publish your book(s)?

I looked into traditional publishing and was surprised to learn that you still have to pretty much do or pay for all your own marketing regardless. Being confident in my writing and business skills, I didn’t feel like I really needed to hand over most of my royalties for things I could do myself. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t ever go traditional, but I also believe it’s really good to try things on your own, so at least you know what you’re paying someone else for if you decide to go that route.

What is your writing process? Do you listen to music or do you like silence?

For the most part, I need silence. As much as I can get with a five-year-old in the house, anyway. I spend a lot of introspective time thinking about how characters would respond to what’s happened thus far, which is hard to do with noise. The actual writing can be done with some background noise, but nothing too distracting. I’m in awe of people who can write with music or in public. I’d probably get so much more writing done if I could!

Do you outline your story or just go where your muse takes you?

I do go in with a plan, but the wonderful and maddening thing about creating dimensional characters is that sometimes they take you unexpected places. So I often have to have a loose outline of the major things I want to happen, then attempt to steer the characters there. Attempting to plan the nitty-gritty doesn’t leave room for anticipating how a character would really react to something, and I never want to force a plot at the expense of authentic emotion.

Did you hire an editor to review your manuscript before publishing?

Absolutely. Though I’m extremely lucky that my best friend of more than twenty years is a professional editor. Even if she wasn’t, though, editing is the one thing no author should ever do completely by themselves. You just don’t know what you don’t know, and once you’ve re-read your own book a dozen times you just don’t see errors that you otherwise would normally. I also have my beta and ARC readers point anything out that they find. The more pairs of eyes the better!

Besides Amazon, are there any other sites where your books are for sale?

My first book, The Safeguarded Heart, is permafree on eBook on all major retailers (check it out at The rest of my catalog is available in eBook exclusively on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. All of my books are available in paperback at both Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Do you find it difficult to juggle your time between marketing your current book and writing your next book?

A bit, though I’m the kind of person that can’t write all the time. I tend to do big chunks every so often rather than slow and steady. So fitting marketing and all the other author-business stuff between works out pretty well, for the most part.

Some fun facts about you, which do you prefer – dogs or cats? Chocolate or vanilla? Coffee or Tea? Talk or Text? Day or Night?

Cats (though I love all animals), chocolate (but I won’t turn down almost anything sweet), neither (sorry! How about cocoa?), text (introvert here!), and day (though I used to be a night person pre-kid).

What’s next for you?

More books! There are two more planned in the Life Lessons Series just this year, then a holiday-themed novel at the end of the year. But I’m really digging the Life Lessons Series because they’re each standalones and, though all are medical romance, I’m changing each up to hit different tropes and themes. So I’ll definitely be picking it up again next year for more installments!

Never Date a Doctor
Melanie A. Smith
Publication date: February 25th 2020
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

From best-selling author Melanie A. Smith comes the first book in a new series of steamy contemporary medical romance standalone novels about life lessons that break all the rules.
What’s the first rule of nurse’s club? That’s right: Never date a doctor. Which Sasha Suvorin has no intention of doing anyway, since she’s a nurse at Rutherford Hospital by day and working on her master’s degree by night. Who has time for dating, much less dating someone you work with? Bad idea much?
That is, until the sexy British Dr. Caleb Thompson starts at her hospital. It also doesn’t help that he’s exactly her type with his dark hair, blue eyes, and rockin’ bod. Or that he’s not your typical arrogant and bossy surgeon. But Sasha isn’t so easily convinced, and she soon discovers Dr. Hottie has a past that puts a stop to whatever she might have been feeling before anything ever starts between them.
Unfortunately, working together means facing temptation. Every. Single. Day. Is Sasha strong enough to resist what might just be the perfect man? And if she gives in, will Cal’s past stay in the past? Sasha may be used to playing it safe, but life has a way of teaching its lessons … one way or another.

Author Bio:
Melanie A. Smith is the best-selling author of The Safeguarded Heart Series and other contemporary romance fiction. Originally from upstate New York, she spent most of her childhood in the San Francisco Bay Area before moving to Los Angeles for college.

After that, she spent almost fifteen years in the Seattle Area, and now lives in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas with her family.
A voracious reader and lifelong writer, Melanie’s writing began at a young age with short stories and poetry. Having completed a bachelor of science in electrical engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a master’s in business administration at the University of Washington, her writing abilities were mainly utilized for technical documents as a lead engineer for the Boeing Company, where she worked for ten years.

After shifting careers to domestic engineering and property management in 2015, she eventually found a balance where she was able to return to writing fiction.

Melanie is also a Mensan and enjoys spending time with her family, cooking, and driving with the windows down and the stereo cranked up loud.

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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

#Review: WILD, WILD RAKE by Janna MacGregor

  4 of 5 stars
Lady Avalon Warwyk's first husband was a cruel tyrant who caused her undue humiliation. The only good thing to come out of the marriage was her beloved son, Thane. With Lord Warwyk's early death, Avalon is finally free to live her life as she saw fit and to raise her son in a loving home. When Thane's guardian informs her that his brother Devan Farris has been appointed the vicar in her parish, Avalon is prepared to bribe him to leave her alone. The last thing she needs is a spy watching everything she does, or does Devan represent a new lease on life for the young widow?

I love Janna McGregor books and this latest installment was quite enjoyable. I loved Devan. He was witty, charming and thoroughly smitten with Avalon. Ms. McGregor slowly teases out the horrendous details of Avalon's first marriage and why she's so skittish around men. The book earned 4 stars instead of 5 because the last part of the book was about Avalon's sister instead of keeping the focus on Avalon and Devon. I'm looking forward to the next installment in this enjoyable series.

I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy and all opinions are my own.


Her first marriage was an epic fail.

Lady Avalon Warwyk never did love her husband. Arrogant, selfish, and cruel, it’s a blessing when she’s widowed and left to raise her son all by herself. Finally, Avalon can live freely and do the work she loves: helping fallen women become businesswomen. She’s lived these past ten years with no desire to remarry—that is, until Mr. Devan Farris comes to town.

Can he convince her to take another chance at happily ever after?

Devan Farris—charming vicar, reputed rake, and the brother of Avalon’s son’s guardian—is reluctantly sent to town to keep tabs on Avalon and her son. Devan wishes he didn’t have to meddle in her affairs; he’s not one to trod on a woman’s independent nature and keen sense of convictions. But she’ll have nothing to do with a vicar with a wild reputation—even though he’s never given his heart and body to another. If only he could find a way to show Avalon who he really is on the inside—a good, true soul looking for its other half. But how can prove that he wants to love and care for her. . .until death do they part?


Janna MacGregor was born and raised in the boot heel of Missouri. She is the author of the Cavensham Heiresses series, which begins with The Bad Luck Bride. Janna credits her darling mom for introducing her to the happily-ever-after world of romance novels. Janna writes stories where compelling and powerful heroines meet and fall in love with their equally matched heroes.

She is the mother of triplets and lives in Kansas City with her very own dashing rogue, and two smug, but not surprisingly, perfect pugs.

Sunday, February 23, 2020


  3 of 5 stars
Lady Mary Mowbrah has loved Duncan Starrett since she was 16 years old. Waiting for him to return from the war, it was a long 5 years before he returned, gravely injured. They were both different people now and it will take love and patience for them to reconnect. Will their love blossom now?

I enjoyed this book, but there was something just a bit lacking for me in this story. The other 3 stories in the series were easily devoured. Not so with this book. I found I could put it down time and time again. I kept waiting for a huge conflict or twist in the storyline. The biggest conflict in the book is Duncan's feelings of unworthiness and that got old after a while. Ms. Golden is a talented writer and has woven some memorable characters into the series. I did find the epilogue confusing with so many couples and their children mentioned. I didn't really care about any of them and it took a while before the reader learns whether or not Mary and Duncan have any more children. It was a decent read, but certainly not my favorite of the series.

I voluntarily read this advanced reader copy and all opinions are my own.

Friday, February 21, 2020

#Excerpt: FOREVER SUMMER by Nicole Bea

Forever Summer
Nicole Bea
Published by: The Wild Rose Press
Publication date: February 24th 2020
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult

Morrigan Westhaver isn’t convinced anything could make her forget her abusive ex-boyfriend—not even if she travels all the way from her home in Michigan to her father’s ranch in Alabama.
Saved text messages and voicemails haunt her life with poisonous words and crippling self-doubt, but she can’t seem to let them go. On the ranch, much to her surprise, she immediately takes to a rescued horse, Stormy, as well as Levy, an attractive ranch hand. Will their understanding and gentle support help her heal, or is the damage too deep?

“We could have texted if you wanted to talk,” I remind him, patting the spot on the bed where my phone has slipped down to.
He pulls an elastic band from his wrist and snaps it into place around his hair, making a perfectly small bun before taking the towel, squeezing the excess water from the style, and taking a seat at the edge of my bed.
“You’re trying to make it sound like you don’t want me here, but I know you do. You wouldn’t have let me in otherwise, and you wouldn’t have kissed me this afternoon.” There’s a pause, the night dripping in and our faces drawing closer. “Do you believe in love at first sight, Morrigan?” His voice hangs heavy and warm in the bedroom air.
The question might be a rhetorical one, but I feel compelled to answer because I think I gave a shit answer the first time he asked me the question.
“I used to,” I reply softly, a whispered lilt to my voice that matches his own. “You know, before.” I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
“That’s interesting.” He clasps his hands together and rests them between his thighs. His eyes tell me that isn’t the answer he wanted. “You stopped believing in love at first sight when I finally started.”

Author Bio:
NICOLE BEA is a short story author and novelist who primarily focuses on contemporary teen fiction. An avid storyteller since childhood, she has honed her skills through a variety of educational programs including management, sociology, legal studies, and cultural diversity in the workplace, most recently engaging in coursework about communication for technologists.
In addition to writing for young adults, Nicole is also a technical writer for a global manufacturer of CPAP masks, machines, and other products that manage sleep-disordered breathing.
When she isn't busy updating her manuscript portfolio or catching up on her To Be Read pile, Nicole can usually be found gardening, horseback riding, or pursuing her new hobby of learning to cook. She and her husband share their home in Eastern Canada with a collection of multi-colored cats and a lifetime's worth of books.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

#Review: FOR THE SAKE OF A SCOTTISH RAKE by Anna Bradley

3 of 5 stars

I usually love Anna Bradley's books, but this was not good for me. First, there were 3 romances going on in the story and it was too crammed full of scenes with all 3 couples that muddled the storyline. Lady Lucinda Sutcliffe and Ciaran Ramsey were the main couple and I found Lucy to be quite wild and not at all what a young lady would act like especially all her meetings with Ciaran. She rationalizes these as Ciaran is her best friend over and over and over again. I got it! Throw in a tyrannical uncle trying to steal Lucy's money by selling her to an evil earl and it all felt too contrived. I wished Ms. Bradley had just focused on Lucy and Ciaran and developed their relationship more and left out Lucy's two friends' storylines for future books.

I voluntarily read the advanced reader copy and all opinions are my own.

Monday, February 17, 2020

#Excerpt: MARRIED TO THE EARL by Samantha Holt

Married to the Earl
Samantha Holt
(The Wallflower Brides #3)
Publication date: February 10th 2020
Genres: Adult, Historical Romance, Romance

Going from vivacious society belle to widow wallflower can leave a lady wanting…
Joanna Lockhart is trapped in a mire of grief and boredom. Still recovering from the sudden death of her husband, the beautiful widow is tired of being treated like a fragile porcelain doll. But when a severe illness nearly claims her life, Joanna finds the perfect outlet for her natural vitality—a charity.
Unfortunately, her sudden interest in all things philanthropic is marred by the presence of one Ambrose Creassey. For some unknown reason, this handsome cad has decided to cast aside his reputation as a rake, and take up the mantel of charitable patron.
As the Earl of Newhaven, Ambrose has enjoyed his life of delicious debauchery. But recently the earl has hungered for more noble pursuits. A charity seems to be the perfect outlet for his newfound desire to be more than just a rake. And of course, he doesn’t mind the aid of a beautiful, well-connected woman like Joanna… Especially when he cannot resist riling her a time or two.
After all, she does rise so beautifully to the challenge.
Focusing on their work is harder than either of them thought. There’s no denying the attraction between them, but is Ambrose truly prepared to cast aside his hedonistic history? And even if he does, is Joanna ready for a new love?

“It is hard to see how this will become a hospital,” she murmured.
“I should imagine you would rather see it as a grand house once more, ready for a ball.”
She glared at him. “Considering we hardly know one another, Lord Newhaven, it is a wonder you can imagine anything that I might think.”
He shrugged. “It is not hard to take a guess.”
“If we wish to take guesses, I would rather expect you would prefer this house to be used for raucous house parties.”
His lips quirked. “I suppose we should cease guessing then.”
“That would be preferable, yes.”
“Let us continue our tour.” He opened another door, leading through into a drawing room.
No furnishings existed and a thick layer of dust coated the grand stone mantlepiece. Beneath her feet, the rugs were worn and frayed. “This is going to take a lot of funds.”
“My understanding is we have enough to ensure the house can be converted into a hospital, but our current pledges will not cover the ongoing running of it.”
So, he knew something about his charity. That was interesting. She could not be certain why the earl had decided to take a closer look at how things were run but he was not entirely ignorant. However, if he was to be interfering with her work, she would have to speak up. They had far too much toil ahead of them for him to be causing any chaos.
She paused by the fireplace and turned to face him as he wrenched open the shutters on one window. Blinking in the sudden influx of light, she tilted her head. “Why exactly have you decided to assist the charity? Mr. Bartlett told me you are only a figurehead.”
“Well, that is incorrect. I am also the biggest donor.”
She lifted a brow.
“Does it surprise you that I might wish to actually have a hand in the running of the charity?”
“Frankly, yes.”
A smile curved his lips. “Well, I do enjoy a frank woman.” He strode over to join her by the fireplace. “And why have you taken up the mantle as the charity’s latest philanthropist?”
She could come up with some pithy remark perhaps. Some flippant reply that would have him eyeing her with amusement once more, but she could not help feel they had reached some odd moment of honesty. She blew out a breath. “I should like to find something useful with which to occupy myself. Being a widow is a tiresome occupation.”
“For someone like you, I imagine it is.”
“Someone like me?” She stiffened her shoulders.
“Someone as vivacious and as intelligent as you.”
The air flew from her lungs. She let her shoulders drop. “Oh.” for some reason, the flattery made her cheeks warm.

Author Bio:
USA Today Bestselling author Samantha Holt lives in a small village in England with her twin girls and a dachshund called Duke. If you’re not sure where to start why not try…
Amelia and the Viscount (Bluestocking Brides #1) for a fun, slightly hot shorter length read. Meet the Chadwick sisters and follow their adventures in each of their standalone stories.
You’re the Rogue That I Want (Rogues of Redmere #1) is a longer read with heat, witty dialogue, a feisty heroine and adventure. All books in the series are standalone.
Sinful Confessions is the first in the Cynfell Brothers Series. These are all novella length and standalone–ideal for a quick dip into the world of the sexy Cynfell brothers.
Wake Me With a Kiss is a sweet, fairytale romance. Twists on Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella are also available if you love a clean, fun read.
To Steal a Highlander’s Heart is a full length dive into the world of sexy highlanders. For those who love braw Scots, some steamy scenes, and medieval romance, this series is a perfect escape.

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Friday, February 14, 2020

#Review: HOW THE LADY WAS WON by Shana Galen

  5 of 5 stars
I was looking forward to reading Colin and Daphne's story and Ms. Galen does not disappoint. She has written a intriguing, compelling and complex story. Lady Daphne, daughter of the Duke of Warcliffe, married Colin Fitzroy 7 years ago and she has been disappointed ever since Colin disappeared the day after a disastrous wedding night. Now that he's back from the war, she expected him to reunite with her, but she's afraid that he'll continue to ignore her and she's running out of excuses why her husband isn't joining her at the ton events. Colin has issues expressing himself and with feelings ever since he was a young child so he stays away from Daphne to protect himself from having to confront long buried emotions. Can they finally come together and heal their emotional wounds to be able to live as husband and wife?

Throughout the war, Colin was known as "The Pretender" for his ability to blend in and not be noticed as he gathered intel. Ms. Galen does a great job slowly teasing out why Colin is so uncomfortable talking about "feelings." There's plenty of sexual attraction between these two, but sex is not a full relationship for Daphne. She wants her husband to love her. In addition to the main story of these two's compatibility, there is the "trouble" that Daphne has found herself embroiled in with Lord Battersea. I liked Daphne's tenacity in trying to resolve her problem on her own. She's brave and clever, but only when she works with Colin can they find a final solution. The plot moves along nicely with no sluggish parts. There is a lot of sex in this book so reader beware if you don't prefer that. I'm looking forward to reading the next story in the series.

I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy and all opinions are my own.

#Excerpt: RESTART BRISTOL by Sedona Hutton

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Sedona Hutton will be awarding a $25 or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

He’s a hot mess. She wants stability. Will these childhood sweethearts risk another pass at love?

Veterinarian Holly Nicholson longs to put down roots. And with a growing practice and pending nuptials to a handsome doctor, her dream future is finally within reach. But when her NASCAR racing high-school steady rolls into town, Holly’s heart takes an off-track excursion.

Curtis “CC” Clark burned out from life in the fast lane. Switching gears, he moves to a small town in search of some cosmic signpost to reveal his destiny and crosses paths with the only girl he’s ever loved. But he’s worried fate sent him into the pits when he finds out she’s engaged.

Between working at the same animal shelter and her engagement crumbling, Holly can feel old desires stirring. But before they can pick up speed, CC gets his big chance for a high-profile comeback. And returning to the road may mean giving up his beloved forever.

Can CC and Holly find common ground and take their love across the finish line?

Restart in Bristol is the third standalone novel in the Racing Hearts in Serenity contemporary romance series. If you like bad boys with a heart of gold, strong women, and a touch of new age spirituality, then you’ll adore Sedona Hutton’s fun, sexy romance.

Buy link: 


Curtis rested his forehead against Holly’s, and her heart decided. She nodded in agreement.

“Is that a yes?” he asked, his voice low and husky.

“Yes.” Her response came out breathy, which didn’t surprise her. Whenever she was around Curtis, she felt like a breathless teenage girl.

“You won’t be sorry.” He brushed a hand through her hair. “Damn, you’re beautiful.”

She let out a nervous laugh. It was so dark that all she could make out were shadowy images. His words were sweet, but that didn’t stop the insecurity from poking at her insides. She didn’t look anything like the stunning women she’d seen him with over the years.

“That, coming from you.” She shook her head. “You’ve always seemed to have a steady stream of gorgeous women.”

“You can’t believe everything you read.”

Maybe she shouldn’t, but she’d read the articles and she’d seen the pictures. She wondered if any of those women had meant anything to him and if he’d found love over the last decade. She didn’t want to ask, but she needed to know. “What was your longest relationship?” she asked, scuffing her sandal on the floor.

He ran a hand through his hair. Maybe it had only been a few weeks, which is what the Internet had led her to believe.

“Over six months,” he said, surprising her.

She tilted her head. “Why did you break up?”

His pause was long, but she held the silence, determined to wait him out. After what felt like an hour, he finally responded. “Georgiana thought I was still hung up on you.”

About the Author:

Author Sedona Hutton finds inspiration in the beautiful Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, where she lives with her husband and curly-coated retriever. In addition to writing, she’s a Reiki Master and a certified Chopra Center Meditation instructor. She enjoys reading, yoga, gardening, and experiencing the great outdoors on boats, motorcycles, and Jeeps. Sedona pens a “Peace, Love, & Joy” blog on her website.

Sedona’s novel, Cloud Whispers, was a Finalist in the 2018 Readers’ Favorite Contest, an Official Selection in the 2018 Summer eBook Awards for New Apple Literary, Shortlisted for the Books Go Social Best Indie Book of 2018, and a Bronze winner in the 2019 Independent Publisher Book Awards. Nora’s Promise was awarded the Bronze medal in the 2019 Reader’s Favorite Contemporary Romance category and was a Finalist in the 2019 NIEA contest. The Perfect Lap was the 2019 Reader’s Favorite Contemporary Romance Finalist.

Amazon page:
Goodreads Author page:

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Thursday, February 13, 2020

#SALE .99 DARE TO LOVE A SPY by Debra Elizabeth

Miss Hannah Richardson is enjoying a Season in London. She's not looking for a husband, at least not this Season. She wants to enjoy herself before settling down to married life. All that changes, however, when she sees the Duke of Wetherby. He's tall, dark and impossibly handsome and someone Hannah wants to get to know better.
Camden Darkin, the Duke of Wetherby, is not fond of attending soirees, dinners or balls, but his latest mission for the Crown demands he mingle with the ton. He has vowed not to marry because of his dangerous work and the constant bevy of beauties anxious mothers throw into his path is not tempting him in the least. That is, until he meets Hannah Richardson, a young woman unlike any other he's ever met. Can he learn to love or will his hardened heart rob him of the very thing he needs the most.
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Reviewer’s comments:
"I loved the murder-mystery flair that seemed present and the deliciously tense undertone of the spy network. These points gave lots of flavor to the budding romance and caused lots of conflict well so we ended up with a really meaty story"

"A very well-written book, I highly recommend it for those who love a witty, fast-paced Regency romance."