Tuesday, November 30, 2021

#Review: SOMEONE PERFECT by Mary Balogh


  2 of 5 stars

Justin Wiley, the Earl of Brandon, was banished by his father when he was a young man and he set out to make a different life for himself. He never saw his father again and when he inherited the title after his father's death, he sent his stepmother and sister Maria to live at one of the lesser properties. Now that Maria's mother is dead, Justin is determined to bring her home, but there's a problem, Maria hates him. Her friend, Lady Estelle Lamarr, and her twin brother agree to go Everleigh to help Maria settle into her childhood home again. Estelle can't help but despise Justin as well even though she doesn't know him or the truth behind his banishment. Is there more to his story than Estelle imagines?

I usually like Ms. Balogh's stories, but this one was just a mess. The author spends page after page on descriptions of the landscape and the house and there are so many minor characters introduced that I totally lost track of them all. It was not necessary for the story of Justin and Estelle and really detracted from them. All those pages could have better been spent on the developing relationship with Justin and Estelle. I only kept reading the story to find out why Justin was banished although I could guess what it was. After skipping page after page, Justin and Estelle finally find their happily ever after.

I voluntarily read the advanced reader copy and all opinions are my own.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Shopping for a CEO’s Honeymoon
Julia Kent
(Shopping for a Billionaire, #14)
Publication date: July 15th 2018
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Romance

He says we never had a proper honeymoon.

So, instead, he’s giving me… a prepper honeymoon?

Who knew billionaire preppers were a thing?

I guess I’m about to find out.

Julia Kent’s New York Times bestselling romantic comedy series continues in Shopping for a CEO’s Honeymoon as Andrew and Amanda settle in to married life… and so much more.

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It’s Monday.

Our home looks like the set for Extreme Home Makeover, except there’s no bus to move and all of the workmen act like I’m invisible as I wander downstairs after waking up naked in an empty bed.

I throw on clothes and am down the stairs when I spot my husband.

“What is going on?” I ask Andrew, who is huddled over blueprints with some guy who looks like he runs a union hall in South Boston. Tight eyes, distrustful look, goatee, and an intensity that makes it clear you want him on your side.

Andrew breaks away, kisses my cheek, and gives me a saucy half grin. “Just like you wanted. Here we go.”

“Here we go what? We barely talked about what we wanted!”

“We did,” he says, suddenly defensive. “In bed,” he whispers.

“What I want in bed has nothing to do with tile colors and three-season sunrooms!” I say.


“The guys aren’t working on anything like that,” he hisses as a few workmen suppress smiles. “We’re putting in new backup systems.”

“Backups for what?”

“Power outages. Acts of God. Hurricanes. Bomb cyclones that leave six feet of snow.”

I snort. “What, no alien contingency plan? Got a blueprint for a universal extraterrestrial language translator in there?”

Andrew reddens and avoids eye contact.

I frown. “Andrew?” I grab his arm and pull him aside, his muscles tense. “What are you doing? This isn’t how I envisioned remodeling and spending our honeymoon. For one, we didn’t have sex that second time this morning.”

He looks at the clock. “It’s only 7:53. Plenty of time for that.” He grabs me at the waist and pulls me close, trying to divert me with a kiss.

It works.

“We’ve got the geothermal heat unit figured out, and when we redo the gutter system and the roof, in addition to the solar panels, we’ve got an evaporation system set up for clean water collection. Storage is next,” he says to me.

“All that in the first hour of work?” I’m stunned.

“I’m efficient. Two weeks of my focused attention is like five years of a normal human
being’s time.”

“Efficient and humble. I love that in a man.”

“You’d better, because you’re stuck with me forever.”

“Is that a threat or a promise?”

I get a pat on the ass in response.

Author Bio:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. Since 2013, she has sold more than 1.5 million books, with 4 New York Times bestsellers and more than 16 appearances on the USA Today bestseller list. Her books have been translated into French and German, with more titles releasing soon. From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men's room toilet (and he isn't a billionaire). She lives in New England with her husband and three children in a household where the toilet seat is never, ever, down.

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Monday, November 22, 2021

#Review: DESTINY WITH A DUKE by Alexa Aston


  4 of 5 stars

William Finchley never expected to inherit the dukedom especially since he's been estranged from his family since he was sent to Turner Academy as a child. With the help of his fellow Terrors, he begins to understand the duty and responsibility of being a duke, but he has a secret, one he's never told anyone. It haunts him still. When he meets Victoria, Lady Pemberton, she is the first woman he's ever felt desire for. He has vowed never to marry, but sweet and elegant Victoria tempts him like no other. Can he open his heart to this amazing woman or will he forever be haunted by his past?

This is the last book in this series and one that I had waited anxiously to read. I had guessed what Finch's secret was, but Ms. Aston writes with such emotion that I wanted Finch to overcome his trauma so badly. It is such a serious issue and it's no wonder Finch is haunted by what happened to him even years later. Victoria has her own trauma from her last marriage and she is also a fragile soul. The author does a great job of letting their chemistry shine through, but there is no easy HEA for this couple. My heart broke for Finch as he tried to tell Victoria his secret. The book is full of angst and heartbreak, but Ms. Aston is a great storyteller. Having the four other dukes a big part of the book was delightful to see how they also overcame the trauma of their childhood and married for love. This book can be read as a stand alone, but to get the full story of how the Terrors came to be such good friends, I would suggest reading all the books in the series.

I voluntarily read this advanced reader copy and all opinions are my own.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

#Review: STONE MAGIC by Thea Atkinson



5 of 5 stars

Whenever I read a Thea Atkinson story, I know I'm in for a roller coaster ride full of intrigue, suspense and interesting characters and Stone Magic delivers. It's book 1 in a new series that looks to be one of her best dark urban fantasy tales. Ms. Atkinson is a master storyteller as she introduces Brie Duncan, a fake psychic, who truly tries to help people with a little help from some mild drugs. However, when psychics start showing up dead in her area, she becomes the prime suspect in the gruesome murders. Detective Layne Garder gets the case and even he is not all he seems to be. Just when I think I've got some things figured out, the author throws another monkey wrench into the plot. Ms. Atkinson has an unlimited imagination when it comes to weaving such a compelling tale. Be prepared to carve out enough time to read this story because once you start, you won't want to stop reading this fascinating book. There are some gory details throughout, but they pull the reader in and helps you feel the terror Brie feels as she tries to figure out who the killer is. Can't wait to see what happens in book 2!!

Friday, November 19, 2021

Interview with Christina Bauer, TOWERS AND TITHES

Can you give us a brief overview of your latest book? Is it part of a series?
My latest book is Towers and Tithes, it is a fairy tale romance inspired by combining Rapunzel and Jane Eyre. In terms of a series, it is the eighth book in Fairy Tales of the Magicorum.


Do you have a favorite character?
I’m in love with Dex, the “Mister Rochester without the Douchebaggery” hero of Towers and Tithes.


Have you ever had a minor character evolve into a major one? Did that change the direction of the novel at all?
In Towers and Tithes, the character of the evil Prism Master started off as a side-guy and developed into my major antagonist. He’s the man who creates all the magic mirrors in the Faerie Realm. (Someone needs to do it, right?)


Did you try the traditional route to publishing, i.e. querying agents/publishers?
I did that for years, Years, people! Nothing.


How long before you got your offer of representation/your first contract? Was it for your first novel?
I was never offered a contract by a traditional publishing house. More recently, I’ve been offered a contract by a serial publisher, but it wasn’t a fit.


What factors influenced your decision to go with a particular agent or publisher?
I turned down the serial publisher because I’ve decided to ‘go wide,’ which is to work with all the serial publishers (Radish, Kindle Vella) directly and keep the extra cash. It’s also extra hassle to go wide, but I’m already doing most of the work anyway for ebooks.


Are you currently under a traditional publishing contract for future books or do you have manuscripts that you will self-publish? Are you doing both?
I currently publish seven ebooks and one audiobook/year. There’s a great Facebook group called 20 Books to 50K that has a step-by-step process for how indies can publish in volume and be successful.


What factors influenced your decision to self-publish your book(s)?
No other choice? In all seriousness, I feel beyond grateful that I live in an era where authors can run their own business, control their IP, and make a living.


If you used a graphic designer/publisher’s designer, how involved were you during the creative process for your cover?
I’m a vicious micromanager when it comes to covers.


What have you’ve learned during your self-publishing journey?
Go wide, young writer! That means you work directly with retail outlets versus having a publisher do it for you. To see if it’s a fit for you, check out Facebook author groups like Wide for the Win.


My next book is Angelfire, the story of a part-angel king named Lincoln discovering he has a hidden brother! Hope to see you on that tour!


Towers And Tithes
Christina Bauer
(Fairy Tales of the Magicorum, #8)
Publication date: November 9th 2021
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult

I’m a Tower Tithe with a Rapunzel problem. That’s not as weird as it sounds.

Ever wonder how Rapunzel survives without leaving her home? After all, someone must stock groceries, buy hair products and fix the plumbing. Witches don’t wield toilet brushes, so “Rapunzel care” becomes the job of Tower Tithes like me. Not that we choose this gig. We’re just unlucky elves who get magically chucked into servitude. Since our kind live for ages, being a Tower Tithe can drag on for thousands of years… and I’m eighteen. Yipes.

That said, it wouldn’t be too awful if I had a cool Rapunzel. No such luck.

I serve none other than Lady R, the social media sensation and sadist who lives in Manhattan’s famous Apex Towers. With the help of her manager—a witch named Jocasta—Lady R releases daily gossip videos while assigning me “torture chores.” Many tasks are designed to remind me how Lady R is the gorgeous variety of elf, while I’m beyond plain. I spend a lot of time scheming my escape.

My work pays off when an eccentric billionaire offers to magically set me free. The catch? I must move to Arizona and become his personal assistant. Needless to say, I rush for the door. Turns out, my new employer is none other than Lady R’s ex-boyfriend, Dex, a guy who was blinded in a strange accident and has since become a recluse.

In other words, I ran from my fairy tale life, but it found me again anyway.

At this point, I should head for the hills, yet I simply can’t leave Dex. For the first time, I truly feel comfortable around someone. In all honesty, it’s probably because I have self-esteem issues and Dex can’t see my bland face. Even so, it’s all good until Lady R discovers where I am. And that leads to my Rapunzel problem.

With Lady R back in the picture, can I still find my happily ever after? The truth will emerge soon enough.

Because my name is Grayson Eyre, and this is my story.

Ideal for readers who crave a mash-up between Rapunzel and Jane Eyre.

1. Wolves And Roses
2. Moonlight And Midtown
3. Slippers And Thieves
4. Shifters And Glyphs
5. Bandits And Ball Gowns
6. Fire And Cinder
7. Fairies And Frosting
8. Towers and Tithes

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Author Bio:

Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, dragons, wizards, witches, elves, elementals, and a bunch of random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Oh, and she includes lots of humor and kick-ass chicks, too.

Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in English along with Television, Radio, and Film Production. She lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.

Be the first to know about new releases from Christina by signing up for her newsletter: http://tinyurl.com/CBupdates

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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

#Excerpt: WARMING MY WINTER HEART by Michelle Cornish

Warming My Winter Heart
Michelle Cornish
Publication date: November 22nd 2020
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

You can’t run from love forever . . .

When Lexi Blair comes home to Little City from LA for Christmas, she gets the surprise of her life—the ex-fiancé she thought was dead is very much alive and wants her back!

It’s Christmas Eve and Lexi’s seen a ghost. Or . . . she thought he was a ghost until her mom admits to faking his death so Lexi would come home for Christmas.

After a humiliating run-in with her ex—which results in Lexi disowning her mother—she hides out at her best friend’s tree farm, babysitting a nameless puppy while her friend and hubby tend to a family emergency.

But farm life comes with a few perks Lexi isn’t expecting—mainly a hunky farmhand who’s helping Lexi run the place until her friends return.

While Lexi ran from Little City, John ran to it, and she quickly learns he’s healing from past hurts of his own.

Can Lexi and John stop running before it’s too late?

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Before long, Mom has dinner on the table, and when we’re seated, she says grace. Mom’s always loved going to church on Christmas Eve, but after her big fight with Aunt Flora, she started going every Sunday and doing things like saying grace.

Dad gives me a fully loaded, sideways look that says, “Yeah, your mother still hasn’t talked to your aunt and we still do these things to make it okay in her eyes.” I give him a nod. Does he know what they fought about that Christmas? He took a misdirected punch while he and Ian pulled Mom and her sister apart. That was before Ian became the biggest boob on the planet. Ugh.

“Oh, Lexi, I almost forgot.” Mom draws my attention back to the present. She grabs a box from the kitchen. “I got Christmas crackers.” Ooh. Seems hardly worth it for the three of us, but I do love Christmas crackers. Their gold and silver foil shines as Mom hands one to Dad and me then places one next to her own plate.

I look inside the cracker for the pull tab and grip it firmly then cross my arms, offering the Christmas cracker to Mom on my right and reaching for Dad’s cracker with my right hand.

“Ready?” Mom says. I’m transported back in time as I nod then Mom issues her standard Christmas cracker instructions. “On three. One . . . two . . . three!”

We all pull hard on our crackers against each other and our three little crackers pop and snap while bits of ripped paper scatter across the table. If Mom and Dad had a cat, it would have run for cover.

“Ooh, look,” Mom says. “I got a magnifying glass.” An urge to make a snarky comment about Mom’s eyesight and “how did the Christmas elves know?” pops into my head, but I let it go. I just got here, no need to start a fight just yet.

I check the table for my prize while Dad holds up a giant sparkly paperclip. “Not sure what this is about,” he says.

“It’s a bookmark, dear.” Mom touches Dad’s hand as she says it. She must have splurged on the premium crackers that encourage you to spend more money by showing you on the back of the package what you’ll get.

Something shiny catches my eye on the floor. “Ooh,” I say, leaning over in my chair to pick up my prize. “I got a pen.” I hold it up like it’s some kind of trophy. At least it’s something useful. I place it on the table right next to the fuschia paper crown that also spewed forth from the Christmas cracker.

“Put on your crown.” Mom flutters her hand in my direction. She’s already wearing hers. Dad somehow “accidentally” ripped his, so it won’t stay on his head. Lucky guy. I put on the crown. My cheeks burn a bit, and I feel like I’m ten again—the last year I remember actually liking these silly crowns. I scan the table hoping a bottle of wine has materialized in the last few minutes. Nope.

Author Bio:

Michelle Cornish is a recovering CPA with a passion for stories. Writing mostly romance and women's fiction with strong female heroines, Michelle's books often include nods to her former life as a CPA. When Michelle’s not writing, she’s hanging out with her two boys and husband in the beautiful Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada.

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Monday, November 15, 2021

Interview with Tam Derudder Jackson, WILD FOR ME

Thanks for the opportunity to talk about writing and my books.


Wild For Me is Book Three in the Balefire Series. This is Dakota Perri, the lead guitarist’s story. Dakota is a wild man. He’s all about the music and the party that comes with being a member of a mega band. Women are part of that party, but one woman caught his attention after a concert two years before the story begins, and she keeps making an appearance in his memory since their one-night stand.


Annabelle Stewart attended a Balefire concert with her best friend Clio in Play For Me, Book One in this series. She had two missions: 1) do Jack Whitehorse a favor in exchange for tickets to the show and 2) meet and hook up with Dakota Perri. She accomplishes both goals and thinks that’s the end of it. Then she reconnects with Dakota at Jack and Clio’s wedding, and things become complicated—for both of them.


Both Dakota and Annabelle were fun characters in previous books, so it seemed only right to put them together and give them their own book. As for who are my favorite characters, truthfully, my favorite characters are always the ones I’m writing in the moment.


I decided to go the self-publishing route because I wanted control over my career: deadlines, publishing dates, and my team of editors and designers. I work with both an interior designer and a cover designer. I give my interior designer ideas of what I’m looking for with fonts and “pretties” in the text, and my cover designer and I bounce ideas off each other until we reach an outcome we both like. About six years ago, I found my professional editor through the Editorial Freelancers Association, and she’s worked on every book I’ve written so far, including a couple that haven’t been published yet.


What I’ve learned in my self-publishing journey is that there are a lot of moving parts to the publishing business, and a self-published author needs to wear several hats: author, business CEO, publicist, and marketer. For me, the most difficult part is marketing, which is something that I continue to challenge myself to learn more about. But the self-publishing community is truly generous and helpful to each other. I’ve learned so much about how to be a better writer as well as tips and tricks on the other parts of publishing from other self-published authors.


My advice for a new author just starting out with self-publishing: read as much as you can about your craft first and then about the business side of publishing. If you can, attend some writing conferences and network with other authors. Look around on social media for writing groups and follow and talk to other authors. Most of all, when you’ve finished writing your book, hire an editor. I can’t stress that enough. If you can’t afford to hire an editor, save up. If you plan to have a writing career rather than only publishing a book, you owe it to your readers to give them the best reading experience you can. That’s going to require professional editing of your work. Readers can tell when you don’t do this. (I’m a recovering high school English teacher with a ton of editing experience—and I don’t edit my own books. Just sayin.) A professional editor has a skill set that’s different from and supersedes someone who only has a degree in English. An editor will help you put your most polished words out there. The best thing you can do for your books is to have them professionally edited.


More than anything, I LOVE to write. But I’m also a voracious reader with an insane TBR pile. I love to travel, attend rock concerts, and spend my winters skiing.


Fun facts about me: my go-to drink when I’m writing is Choffy—chocolate that looks and brews like coffee—so delicious. I’m a total dog person. (Cats are cute, but I’m allergic to them.) I consider chocolate a foundational food group. I text almost exclusively. I’m a complete night owl, though I write in the mornings. My favorite rock band is Shinedown followed closely by Theory of a Deadman and Daughtry. I’ve seen each of them live three times (so far ;) ).


What’s coming up for me? Simultaneously with launching and promoting Wild For Me, I’m finishing revisions suggested by my editor for Hot For Me, the next book in the Balefire Series, which is coming out in January 2022. My beta readers want me to redeem Garrett, Balefire’s manager, so during NaNo, I’m writing the first draft of Stay For Me, Garrett’s book and the fifth one in the Balefire Series.


Thanks again for inviting me to play on your blog today. =)


Wild For Me
Tam DeRudder Jackson
(Balefire Series, #3)
Publication date: November 18th 2021
Genres: Adult, New Adult, Romance


Annabelle Stewart, all tight leather skirt and hot lace panties, thundered into my life for one night after a rock show and calmly drove away the next day. She should have been like any other one-night stand I’ve had over the last ten years touring with Balefire. But she wasn’t. At odd moments, I catch myself thinking about her, wondering if I made as big an impression on her as she did on me.

Then I walk into the rehearsal for our drummer’s wedding, and who’s standing with the bride? The hottie who keeps me awake with thoughts of our one night together. Beautiful, smart, and sassy as hell, Annabelle sets me on fire with her kisses and leaves me hanging. But I’ve got plans for her.


I never expected to see him again. Two years after hooking up with Dakota Perri after a Balefire concert, I’d convinced myself that night was a fantasy. But the way he looks at me during Jack and Clio’s wedding, like he remembers every second of our one-night stand, lights me up. Too bad I blew it.

Then I score a management internship with the band, an opportunity guaranteed to land me a scholarship with a top graduate program—if I don’t earn a reputation for sleeping my way to success. Which is a problem. I see Dakota every day. Every time we’re together, the sparks fly faster and hotter. If I want to achieve my goals, I have to resist him. But how can I resist a man as panty-meltingly hot as Dakota Perri when he says he’s wild for me?

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Author Bio:

Tam DeRudder Jackson is the author of the paranormal romance Talisman Series and the contemporary romance Balefire Series. Her favorite “room” in her house is her back patio where she dreams up stories of romance and risk. When she’s not writing her latest paranormal or contemporary romance, you can usually find her driving around with the top down in her convertible or carving turns on the slopes of the local ski hill. The mom of two grown sons, Tam likes to travel, attend rock concerts, watch football and soccer, and visit old car shows with her husband. She lives in the mountains of northwest Wyoming where she spends most of her free time trying to read all the books. Her TBR piles are threatening to take over her office, and she’s fine with that.

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Friday, November 12, 2021

#NEW Regency Romance: THE LADY AND THE SPY by Debra Elizabeth




Viscount Alesbury, a seasoned spy for the Crown, wants to scale back his missions after his current assignment is complete. It was time he looked for a wife and he knew just the young lady he wanted to be his viscountess, Miss Violet Bainbridge, the sister of London’s spymaster.


Miss Violet Bainbridge was excited to come to London for her Season and attend teas, musicales, dinners and balls. She had met Lord Alesbury last fall, but has not seen him since. Her heart flutters when she thinks about the handsome lord. Will he be in London for the Season and, more importantly, does he crave her company as she does his?


Can these two reconnect or are there unseen forces working to keep them apart?


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Violet tried to open her eyes, but she felt adrift in a sea of nothingness. She struggled to regain consciousness and was sorry when she was finally able to open her eyes fully. What had happened to her? Where was she? She lay on a hard cot, and the pungent smell of the Thames invaded her senses. When she tried to sit up, she found that her wrists were bound. A squeak escaped her lips as the precariousness of her situation became clear. Why would someone take her?

“I see you’ve finally awakened,” said a voice over her shoulder. “You’ve been out for more than three hours, and it’s been quite unappealing waiting for you to awaken.”

She turned her head to see who was talking to her, but she couldn’t see anyone. The darkness inside the building was near complete. “Who are you? Why have you brought me here?”



#Excerpt: BEAST by Cambria Hebert

Cambria Hebert
(House of Misfits, #4)
Publication date: November 12th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Fairy Tales, Retelling, Romance

A tale as old as time…

A charismatic man cannot see beyond his own brilliant reflection, never learning that true beauty lies within.
His selfish behavior draws the ire of a witch with enchantment on her wicked tongue.
A fiery curse is unleashed, engulfing the self-centered man’s entire existence.
When at last the flames are extinguished,
he gazes upon his reflection to discover he is no longer breathtakingly handsome
but condemned with scorched flesh and twisted scars.
He is no longer a man at all… but a beast.
While the ferocious beast rages, alienating everyone far and wide, a woman whose beauty is far more than skin-deep
dwells in a world much simpler than his.

The beauty’s quiet life is disrupted when she is ambushed, threatened, and boldly steps in the path of her father’s debt.
However, it’s not the thugs on her tail or the roaring beast testing her patience that threatens to be this sassy beauty’s downfall. It’s the way her heart flutters whenever he is near.

But some curses just can’t be broken, and really…
How can she truly ever love a beast?

Goodreads / Amazon


“How long has it been since you’ve had a shower?”

“Are you saying I stink?” I yelled.

“Yes,” she deadpanned.

I drew back, shock rendering me silent.

“Damn. Is that all I had to do to get you to shut up all this time? Just tell you, you stink?”

I low growl vibrated my throat. It hurt, but I didn’t stop.

Her eyes rolled. Their color was beautiful, reminding me of roasted chestnuts from street vendors around the holidays.

I wondered if I’d even be able to walk the street this year. My face would probably scare everyone.

“I’m asking because now that your bandages and stitches are removed, it would be a good time to shower off before I re-cover it all.”

“I haven’t had a shower since before. Only a couple sponge baths.” Then a piece of the old me slipped out, a piece I’d thought had been gone for good. Leaning in with a slight smirk and naughty whisper, I asked, “You offering to give me a sponge bath?”

Without missing a beat, she also leaned in. “I guess I am.”

The messy room fell away, and for a moment, I forgot I was a hideous, exposed beast overwhelmed with discomfort and cast aside by the people I’d trusted. All that remained was a pair of hickory eyes regarding me with sassy mirth. Her crimson-stained lips pursed, and my eyes lingered upon them, suddenly so incredibly hungry. Unlike mine, her skin was flawless, smooth, and richly pigmented.

She’s beautiful.

The long column of her neck was graceful and always exposed because the curls on her head were short and wild. My fingers itched to wrap around it, gripping with just enough force to possess her while my mouth devoured hers.

“What’s the matter, Ander? Not used to someone calling your bluff?” Her voice was amused but hushed, and something deep inside me howled in delight that she might not be as composed as she portrayed.

I leaned closer, noting the way her nostrils flared. We were so close now we shared the same breath. Hers smelled faintly of mint and was more rapid than before. “Who said I was bluffing?” I whispered.

Her cheeks turned slightly reflective, taking on a glossy sheen, and she pulled back, eyes flaring just a bit. She was flustered.

Author Bio:

Cambria Hebert is an award winning, bestselling novelist of more than twenty books. She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair.

Besides writing, Cambria loves a caramel latte, staying up late, sleeping in, and watching movies. She considers math human torture and has an irrational fear of chickens (yes, chickens). You can often find her running on the treadmill (she’d rather be eating a donut), painting her toenails (because she bites her fingernails), or walking her chorkie (the real boss of the house).

Cambria has written within the young adult and new adult genres, penning many paranormal and contemporary titles. Her favorite genre to read and write is romantic suspense. A few of her most recognized titles are: The Hashtag Series, Text, Torch, and Tattoo.

Cambria Hebert owns and operates Cambria Hebert Books, LLC.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

#Excerpt: DARK REIGN by Amelia Wilde

Dark Reign
Amelia Wilde
Published by: Dangerous Press
Publication date: September 28th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Wealthy. Reclusive. Dangerous. Emerson LeBlanc doesn’t enter society much. He only ventures out in pursuit of new art for his collection. It starts with a haunting painting. Then he meets the artist…

Innocent Daphne Morelli is more exquisite than anything he’s ever seen. He becomes obsessed with her. It doesn’t matter that she’s a living, breathing person with her own hopes and dreams.

She’ll be the perfect addition to his collection.

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I knew she was hiding something. All those dark waves—how could she not be? It’s in my head. It’s all that ends up on the canvas. She was talking about the ocean. Her secrets. I never imagined they would look like this. My heart races. Her wide, dark eyes are too innocent for a scene like this.

Or perhaps they’re not.

Need cuts into me like the crimson slashes on the canvas. In this case, her art obscures. Whatever this is, I want to hear it from her. Drag it out of her body in tears and shudders. At first it was some commentary about how the water hides things, and how it’s never the same twice. No. Her painting is what hides her. Daphne’s art reveals only the surface, but it pretends it’s telling you everything. I discover both hands are over my mouth and put them back into my pockets.

“This piece is mine,” I tell the attendant for Daphne’s piece. He leans in, his expression neutral. “I’m buying it under my corporation.” The name I give him is an anonymous shell. I don’t care if this painting skyrock- ets in value—Daphne is priceless. What I care about is buying myself some time. This piece is too personal to announce I’ve bought it without some consideration. “Anyone meets my bid, raise it by five thousand dollars. It’s mine at the end of the night. Do you understand?”

“I do, Mr. Leblanc.” He understands enough to stand perfectly still while I tuck a thousand dollars into the front pocket of his suit jacket.

“Emerson,” someone says. They’re circling now. Waiting to see which pieces I pay attention to. “No.”

I don’t stop to see whether they’re taken aback or not. I want her in my sight. All the cryptic text messages. The worried tone seeping through the words on the screen. This painting.

Daphne Morelli is not all right.

All my attention goes to finding her. She is the guest of honor at this event. She’ll be where the important people are. The richest bastards among us. My head aches from staying aware of all the people in the space while I look for her. It’s the worst of all worlds. The renovations have made the carved-out rooms too large, but they’re still too crowded.

I find her in a ritzy gathering in front of a low stage that won’t be used until it’s time to announce the winners of the silent auction.

I find her with a man.

A boy, my mind supplies. A fucking boy. Someone who has recently graduated, if I were to guess. Someone who has his hands on my little painter.

Author Bio:

Amelia Wilde is a USA TODAY bestselling author of steamy contemporary romance and loves it a little too much. She lives in Michigan with her husband and daughters. She spends most of her time typing furiously on an iPad and appreciating the natural splendor of her home state from where she likes it best: inside.

Amelia is a USA Today best selling author from northern Michigan. Be her friend!

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