Wednesday, February 4, 2015

#Excerpt: CLARA'S SONG by Kitty Margo

Chapter One
Charleston, SC
August, 1861

By midnight at Hibernian Hall Clara had danced six dances. Joseph Gibbs had tripped on the hem of her skirt, bless his heart, and ended up on his knees as if seeking divine intervention for just one night of social grace. Leland Montague had simply atrocious breath; evidently he had an unseen rotting tooth, making her continuously look the other way for a breath of fresh air. Walter Wragg didn’t speak a word during the entire dance, blushing profusely when she so much as looked him directly in the eye. Albert Tradd held her entirely too close, causing her father to intervene and have a few choice words with the young dandy on the balcony. Ashby Calhoun, her last dance partner, had bragged incessantly of his family’s wealth, his travels abroad, and what a great catch he would be for any of Charleston’s Southern belles.

Her coming out ball certainly was not turning out as planned.

Clara shuddered at the mere thought of being trapped in a loveless marriage with the offerings thus far. Spinsterhood had never looked more tempting.


Clara was born with a veil, and the ability to see into the future. This much she knows. What she doesn’t know is what other gifts will be revealed when she turns eighteen in a few months. While her grandmother has been diligent in her efforts to prepare her for the inevitable changes to come, Clara can focus on precious little besides the devilishly handsome man she met at her coming out ball. Secure in the knowledge that she has a bright future ahead of her, the future Clara discovers is one that she could never have conjured in her wildest dreams.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Kitty Margo was a former hairstylist, human resource assistant and phlebotomist before venturing into the ranks of the self employed with a commercial cleaning company. This allowed her the free time to pursue writing. She has seven books available now and is close to finishing her eighth.

She is a Twilight fanatic who frequently dreams of being bitten by Edward Cullen. Hey, he's a vampire so the 30 year age difference doesn't matter!

Visit her at
 or on her Facebook page. Emails can be sent to
 Twitter @kittymargo

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