Tuesday, February 3, 2015

COURTLIGHT and CROWN Series by Terah Edun

Book & Author Details:
Courtlight and Crown Service by Terah Edun
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult


The Courtlight Series
When peasant girl Ciardis is chosen for a position at court, she travels across the empire to begin a new life. To survive, she’ll need to master intrigue, befriend a crown prince, and learn to control magical abilities she never knew existed.

The Crown Service Series
As an unstoppable war breaks out between the mages of the Algardis Empire, young Sara Fairchild enlists in the empress’s army to find out exactly what everyone’s trying to hide. But there are secrets on both sides of the battle that will make her question everything…



            He nodded while leaning over on his knees and panting heavily. “Man, killing people is exhausting.”
            She lifted an eyebrow but didn’t bother mentioning he hadn’t actually killed anyone.
            “Good work with those men and with our traitorous sun mage over there,” said Sara. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
He flushed with praise and she turned to march over to a pinned Nissa with a smile.
            The woman was stuck to the tree with an arrow through her shoulder, but she didn’t flinch or beg for mercy. In fact, she lifted her chin proudly and met her captor head-on.
            “Hurts, doesn’t it?” Sara said mockingly.
            Nissa looked at her with fury in her eyes.

Terah Edun's next YA Fantasy novel, BLADES OF MAGIC - Crown Service Book #1 (set in the Algardis Universe), was released on March 31, 2014. Book Five of Courtlight, SWORN TO DEFIANCE, was released in April 2014.

Her favorite writers include Mercedes Lackey, Tamora Pierce, Kristin Cashore, Robin Hobb and Maria Snyder.

Check out Terah's author website (teedun.com) for more information about her books, find her online @TEdunWrites and subscribe to her newsletter (bit.ly/SubscribetoTerahsNewsletter) to be notified of upcoming releases.

Author links: 

Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)
  • Kindle Fire HD 6
  • PLUS every person who enters will get a FREE copy of BLADES OF MAGIC and SWORN TO RAISE audiobooks from Audible.com


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