Deep is not part of a series. Stands alone as a Romantic
Mystery. Kat Bonner is a budding horse whisperer, and while she can usually exact
good behavior from any wild steed, her second cousin Pierce bucks her at every crack
of the whip. An ex-lawyer, recently released from 18 years in prison, lands at
Bonner-Willow ranch to tell Kat her birth mother has just died. The only person
she can run to for help is Pierce.
Do you
have a favorite character?
A toss up between Pierce and Kat. I also like all the
characters, even the ones you love to hate. Pierce is cool, yet kind, handsome,
yet fighting to keep his emotions for Kat hidden. Kat is stubborn, determined
and sometimes runs headlong into procuring a problem with her own brand of
factors influenced your decision to self-publish your book(s)?
I believe the growing trend of authors doing so launched me
on my research quest. I did two years of reliable research. Submit to an agent,
or check in with a small publisher. I couldn’t find any small publishers that seemed
to run long or deep enough to last for the whole marathon. I found many
Indie publishers most of them fledglings. Unable to choose, I decided
to go on my own. I’d have no one else to blame but myself if my project failed,
aside from all the valuable lessons I have learned along the way.
If you
used a graphic designer/publisher’s designer, how involved were you during the
creative process for your cover?
As you have guessed by now, I am a perfectionist. Yes, I
scouted for the picture I preferred amongst my designer’s stock photos and from
there Regina Wamba was able to change the picture completely to what is an
amazing likeness of Kat.
Do you
belong to a critique group? Have they helped improve your writing?
I have belonged to many critique groups throughout the
years. My favorite one is The Next Big Writer.com. I worked Mirror Deep on
their site for a whole 6 months getting to number 42 for the most read book.
What is
your writing process? Do you listen to music or do you like silence?
Depends on the book. For Mirror
Deep, I listed to Gordon Lightfoot’s music. Great saddle sound. Plus,
Pierce has a lovely singing voice. For Ava Moss, another book soon to be
published, I listened to Big Band Music, mainly Glen Miller. However, most of
the time, I write in silence as this is the only way I can hear the dialogue
between the characters.
Do you
outline your story or just go where your muse takes you?
First thing to appear in my stories is the title. This is
followed by pictures of all my characters. Each character is lavished with a
5-6 page character sheet: family, friends, likes, dislikes, right down to
horoscope and quirks and pet peeves. This is followed by location, place of
work, career, complete resume. Then, the story is flimsily put together.
Afterwards, I will go where my characters lead me.
Did you
hire an editor to review your manuscript before publishing?
Yes. This is another research I did extensively. I went
through thirteen different editors and finally chose one. I needed to find
someone, who would work well with me.
What kinds
of marketing are you involved with for promoting your book(s)?
I am involved with all of them. Twitter,
as well, and Goodreads,
Facebook Profile, and a Facebook Fan Page. I also
have a blog: Landry’s Island. I am
looking for lots of friends to follow my blog, and visit me on Facebook and
Do you
find it difficult to juggle your time between marketing your current book and
writing your next book?
This has to be the most debated question and answer of our
self-publishing era. I find it extremely difficult, and time-consuming to
market a book while trying to edit a couple more and trying to write a new one.
This is why I seek the help of professionals like Promotional Book Tours and
Jen Rattie.
…Roll like thunder in Kat Bonner’s world, when a known felon comes to the ranch to drop a bomb about her past. Kat turns to Pierce for help, the same Pierce who bucks her every chance he gets … and whose feverish investigation lands them in trouble with the law and directly in the path of a serial killer.
Mystery deepens, fraught with wrong turns, bumbling detectives, old murders, and Kat’s doppelganger no one ever sees but her, just as she never sees the change in Pierce’s feelings toward her brewing, mounting, until she can no longer deny them.
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