Do you
have a favorite character?
I would have to say that Marvin Stone is my favorite
character because I had a lot of fun creating him. He’s definitely not the good
guy in the story but the type of person he is and what he wants was exciting
for me to bring to life. He isn’t
a straightforward character, whereas some of the other characters are all on
the normal side of the spectrum and were a lot easier to give a voice to.
Have you
ever had a minor character evolve into a major one? Did that change the
direction of the novel at all?
Yes! It didn’t change the direction of the novel for the
first book, but it’s changed the second one for sure. It’s opened up different
storylines that can take place, which makes it interesting for me. It’s all a
puzzle, really. Sometimes when one piece doesn’t quite fit, you know the
perfect one exists – you just have to find it. Sometimes it’s just right there,
sitting under your nose the entire time and that’s how it plays out with my
factors influenced your decision to self-publish your book(s)?
The idea of self-publishing was always there but I had my
heart set on getting representation. When I received one rejection email after
another, I realized that I was knocking on the wrong door. My editor is a huge
advocate for self-publishing because the author holds all the rights and is in
control. I just dreaded the marketing aspect of it, so self-publishing was
never my go-to option because of that reason. However, I am working with some
amazing people who work tirelessly to help me get where I want to be. So, I’m
happy with having self-published this book!
What is
your writing process? Do you listen to music or do you like silence?
I will listen to music when I write. I can’t write without
it. My writing process is kind of odd and I think you’ll agree too. Before I
write, I usually have to get myself in the mood to write. I’ll read some inspirational/motivational
quotes, listen to some motivational videos, which I haven’t done in a while,
and surf through Pinterest. I usually like looking at nice houses and interior
because one of my goals in life is to be able to afford a nice home on my own.
So, that inspires me to get to work and not waste any time. Sometimes I’ll
daydream just to get my mind to wander. I’ll revisit conversations that happened
earlier and just allow myself to get lost in my subconscious. After my daydream
session, I’ll get straight into writing and knock out a few hours without even
looking at the clock.
What have
you’ve learned during your self-publishing journey?
I learned how exhausting it is! This is when the real work
starts. Since I’m in the driver’s seat, I’ve had to hire the right people to
take on the tasks that I can’t tackle on my own. There’s a lot of research that
has to be done and I know I haven’t done it all, but through the process, you
learn what you need to do before putting your book up for the world to
purchase. Marketing your book before and after the launch is a must. You can
have an amazing book but if the marketing effort isn’t there, the world will
never get a chance to read your work! I’m intimated by the marketing aspect of
this journey, so I hired someone who has done this work in the past. Self-publishing
is a lot of work but I’m having fun with it!
Amazon, are there any other sites where your books are for sale?
Yes! You can purchase paperbacks and a signed paperback copy
by me on my website: gurpreetkaursidhu.com. Storm
is also available on Nook, Kindle, Google Play Books, Barnes and Noble and
iBooks. For iBooks, it will be available on July 24th
advice would you give a new author just entering into the self-publishing
I would first recommend getting an editor. You want your
work to be the best it can be before it hits the online market. I would also
say that it’s a long and overwhelming journey. I wasn’t aware of that until I
started my journey. You need to make sure you’re marketing it constantly and if
marketing is an aspect of the publication you’re not good at, hire someone. It’s
better to invest money in someone who knows what they’re doing rather dipping in
one toe in the pond, seeing if you can tackle it on your own; that’s if you’re
not confident on handling the marketing part of it.
Also, hire a publicist! I’m
working with someone who is very
passionate about what she does and I absolutely adore her for it! Invest money
in a good cover designer. You want the book’s cover to be appealing. Even
though we should never judge a book by its cover, I think it happens whether we
want it to or not. With the book cover, I learned was that it’s going to cost
you more money than you expected, if you want a good cover designer. There are
a lot of people out there who say they design book covers, but there’s a huge
difference between their work compared to someone who strictly works on book
design. If you’re hesitant, just remind yourself that it’s a long term
investment and it will be well worth it in the end.
writing, do you have any other passions?
I love to cook and bake. I’ve always wanted to open up a
small shop with baked goods and some lunch items. I remember when I first got into baking and cooking, I was probably
nine or ten years old. When I would try a new recipe, I would pretend I was
filming for my own cooking show! It makes me laugh when I look back at that.
Being in the kitchen is also therapeutic for me like writing is.
next for you?
I want to make this book a success because it has a lot of
potential and I believe that’s a long journey in itself. In parallel, I will be
editing my screenplay. I’ve always wanted to write a movie script and have
written TV shows in the past. So, I’ll be working on getting the screenplay out
to agents. I will also finish writing the second book. I was invited to Seattle’s
Book Expo, so there’s a chance I might attend the expo. But I really just want
a little sleep! Hopefully I’ll get some time to relax and enjoy this milestone.
The first in a series, Storm is a twists-and-turns
thriller driven by compelling characters challenged by dangerous forces, both
external, internal, and eternal. Evan Storm had been confronted by his past (an
unpleasant one at that) in his dreams, and now in his waking life. He is
struggling to reconcile the evil that lurks in his soul. Shadow Hex is his new
neighbor, who also fears a dangerous past – her former fiancĂ© who works for the
Secret Eye Agency (which is as shadowy and sinister as it sounds). Does Shadow
hold the key to Evan’s redemption? Is redemption even possible?
Buy link:

Author site pricing:
pre-sale now until July 23: paperback $14.99, signed by author $16.95 on sale
July 24: paperback $16.95, signed by author $19.95 For more information about Storm and Gurpreet Kaur Sidhu, please
visit and follow:
Official author website: gurpreetkaursidhu.com
Twitter: @gurpreetksidhu
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