Friday, June 28, 2019

New Release: SNAP SHOT by Rebekah Dodson

Snap Shot
Rebekah Dodson
Publication date: June 21st 2019
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Sports

One day to remember forever, one trip to last a lifetime.
Life has a way of throwing you curve balls. Dirty laundry, bad boyfriends, and a car breaking down. I thought I had been dealt the worst cards possible my senior year of college, then I got the call that would change it all. My brother had tried to kill himself and I had to get to him now. Jeremiah is my only hope.
I have a secret, and I don’t know how to tell Georgia. She’s been my best friend since I started college, but this could change everything. When she calls me and asks for a ride when her car breaks down, I don’t expect the interception we have to face.
We only have today to create a Snapshot that will last a lifetime, or change our paths forever.

Author Bio:
Rebekah Dodson is a prolific author of over 30 romance, fantasy, and science fiction novels. Her works include the series Postcards from Paris, #1 bestselling Curse of Lanval series, Life After Us series, and several stand alone novels and short stories. She has been writing her whole life, with her first published work of historical fiction with 4H Clubs of America at the age of 12, and poetry at the age of 16 with the National Poetry Society. With an extensive academic background including education, history, psychology and English, she currently works as a college professor by day and a writer by night.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

BookBub Partners Blog: 45 Stellar Author Websites

Many successful authors have websites that are the hub of their online marketing activity — they provide a central platform for everything from blogging to book sales and email newsletters. But what should you include in an author website?

We’ve compiled 45 stellar examples to give you some ideas. These sites can provide inspiration for any authors or publishers looking to launch or redesign an author website.

When reviewing author websites to include in this list, we followed the guidelines in our article about nine author website trends you need to know about. To appear on this list of examples, sites had to meet most, if not all, of the following criteria:

  • Include a list of published books
  • Prominently display new or impending releases
  • Provide an obvious way to subscribe for updates
  • Provide a way to contact the author
  • Include links to the author’s social media profiles
  • Display a list of upcoming events
  • Include a blog to showcase the author’s personality and/or writing process
  • Be easy to navigate
  • Have a clean, unique design
  • Be mobile friendly
We’ve made sure to include both traditional and self-published authors, along with a variety of styles and genres, so everyone can find some inspiration.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

#Review: PROJECT DUCHESS by Sabrina Jeffries

  4 of 5 stars

 Fletcher “Grey” Pryde, 5th Duke of Greycourt, is not looking forward to going to his stepfather's funeral and seeing his mother and siblings. Sent away from the family, who resided in Prussia at the time, Grey endured a harsh childhood with an uncle who wanted to swindle Grey out of his properties and have learned to hide his feelings from everyone. He's never forgiven his mother for making him go to England. At the funeral he meets his half-brother's cousin, Beatrice Wolfe and he's immediately taken with the beauty. Too bad Beatrice has no interest in getting to know him, but that doesn't stop Grey from trying to spend as much time with her as he can.

I really liked these two characters--both have been hurt by uncles who took advantage of them as children and are reluctant to open their hearts to each other. Ms. Jeffries does a great job of letting them slowing reveal their feelings to each other throughout the story. I much prefer this than the "insta-love" in some other regency romances. Along with the banter, budding romance, and sibling rivalry, there is a mystery running through the book. The plot moved along well, and while Grey and Beatrice found their happy ending, the mystery was left hanging. I'm excited to read the next book about Beatrice's brother, Joshua, a war hero, who came home from the war with a permanent leg injury.

I voluntarily read this advanced reader copy and opinions are my own.

Monday, June 24, 2019


4 of 5 stars

This is the first book I've read by Ms. DeLaRosa and I enjoyed it. The author tackles some controversial topics and does it pretty well. Finlay Swinton, Viscount Firthwell, is hiding a terrible secret that could destroy his life. He is determined to bring attention to social problems and decides to run for Parliament. When one night of passion with an unknown woman shakes him to his core, he's determined to find her again. A year later he runs across Mrs. Taylor, a widow, teaching in his sister's Foundling Home, and the passion he knew that night is ignited once again. Problem is Charlotte Taylor is a commoner and a Jew--certainly not bride material for the future earl.

Charlotte has her own problems dealing with vindictive former in-laws and meeting Finlay is a distraction she can't afford to indulge in. When events spiral out of control, Finlay may be the only man she can count on to save her life.

The pace of the book was a little slow in the beginning, but by the middle of the book, the pace had picked up. There were a couple of good twists in the book that kept me reading to the end. Readers of historical romances will enjoy this book.

I voluntarily read this book from the publisher and my opinions are my own.

Friday, June 21, 2019

#SALE .99 Regency Romance DARE TO LOVE A SPY by Debra Elizabeth

SALE June 20 - June 27, 2019

Miss Hannah Richardson is enjoying a Season in London. She's not looking for a husband, at least not this Season. She wants to enjoy herself before settling down to married life. All that changes, however, when she sees the Duke of Wetherby. He's tall, dark and impossibly handsome and someone Hannah wants to get to know better.

Camden Darkin, the Duke of Wetherby, is not fond of attending soirees, dinners or balls, but his latest mission for the Crown demands he mingle with the ton. He has vowed not to marry because of his dangerous work and the constant bevy of beauties anxious mothers throw into his path is not tempting him in the least. That is, until he meets Hannah Richardson, a young woman unlike any other he's ever met. Can he learn to love or will his hardened heart rob him of the very thing he needs the most.

Amazon link:


She glanced across the floor and saw her aunt talking with a gentlemen Hannah had not been introduced to as of yet. He’d arrived only moments before dinner was served and been seated at the other end of the dining table, and she’d had no chance to inquire after his name. His tall and erect posture exuded confidence. Who was this handsome stranger? She was determined to find out his identity, especially since she hadn’t been able to identify the rogue in the garden.
She walked around the perimeter of the room, avoiding the couples whirling around the dance floor and eventually stood next to her aunt. “Aunt Mary, do you have a secret? Isn’t that why people usually whisper to one another?”
Mary’s head whipped around.
Hannah swallowed hard when she saw her aunt’s lips set in a grim line. Although her aunt was not a large woman, her hard stare was enough to wilt even the strongest of men.
“Hannah, you forget yourself.”
Hannah lowered her eyes. “I’m sorry, Aunt…I mean Lady Tisbury. I meant no disrespect. Please forgive me.”
Hannah breathed a sigh of relief when Mary patted her hand. “No harm done, dear, but please mind your manners in the future. A lady does not speak so boldly. Besides, I hold no secrets. The Duke of Wetherby and I were merely discussing tonight’s event.” Mary turned toward the duke. “Your Grace, I don’t believe you’ve had the pleasure of an introduction. This is my niece, Miss Hannah Richardson. She is staying with me for the Season.”
Hannah curtsied. “Your Grace. A pleasure to meet you.”
Camden bowed. “The pleasure is mine, Miss Richardson.”
Hannah studied him. He was older than her, but she had no idea what his actual age might be. He could be her brother Ethan’s age of twenty-seven, or perhaps a year older, but whatever his age, she found the handsome duke intriguing, especially his piercing gray eyes. He commanded the room with his mere presence, and no other gentleman attending tonight could hold a candle to him. He was taller than most men and blessed with a chiseled jawline and broad shoulders. His black evening coat, silver waistcoat and crisp white cravat spoke of wealth. His black hair curled around his ears and brushed against his collar. What spectacular hair he had and Hannah felt a sudden urge to run her hands through it.
Run my hands through his hair? Where did that come from?
Hannah’s curiosity was piqued. What had her aunt and the Duke of Wetherby been whispering about? Surely not something as mundane as tonight’s dinner—she hardly thought that warranted whispering. She had never seen the duke before, although she had visited her aunt regularly during her youth. It was indeed a puzzle, and she adored solving puzzles.
“I was complimenting Lady Tisbury on hosting another wonderful affair,” Camden added.
Hannah gave him her prettiest smile. “Are your compliments so rare that you find the need to whisper them, Your Grace?”
A twitch in his jaw was the only indication her question surprised him. “Not at all, Miss Richardson, but with the orchestra playing, I wanted to be heard.”
Hannah had not yet controlled her impulsiveness to speak her mind and blurted out what she was thinking. “I see. Do you dance?”
Camden arched an eyebrow. “I beg your pardon?”
Now that she had voiced her thoughts out loud, she had to follow through. “It’s a simple question, Your Grace. Do you dance?” Hannah glanced at her aunt, who had raised her fan to hide her grin.
“I do indeed,” he said.
“Excellent. I find myself without a partner for the final quadrille. Perhaps you could be persuaded to partner me?”
Camden cleared his throat before answering. “I should be delighted, Miss Richardson.”
Hannah curtsied again. “Thank you, Your Grace. I look forward to it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I see my next partner is waiting for me.”


Reviewer’s comments:
"I loved the murder-mystery flair that seemed present and the deliciously tense undertone of the spy network. These points gave lots of flavor to the budding romance and caused lots of conflict well so we ended up with a really meaty story"

"A very well-written book, I highly recommend it for those who love a witty, fast-paced Regency romance." 

"It has everything I love in a romance: Regency era, hero is a spy, heroine is spunky and speaks her mind, a bit of danger and a happy ending. From the first page, I was transported to Regency England."

#Excerpt: LACEWOOD by Jessica James

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Jessica James will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Thrust together by chance. Bound together by destiny. A disillusioned socialite and a special operations veteran find a way to save a small town while healing themselves. A haunting read about the journey to restore an abandoned 200-year-old mansion and the secrets it reveals about a long-lost love.
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Turning in a circle, Katie studied the room again. Faded wallpaper curled and peeled above the dusty wainscoting, but the walls themselves appeared sturdy. On the far side of the entryway, and dominating the wall, stood a mammoth fireplace with an ornately carved hearth. Her attention was immediately drawn to a painting of a woman in nineteenth century dress that hung prominently over the mantel.

“Who is she?”

The sheriff turned to the dusty, sun-bleached portrait in the heavy carved guilt frame. “One of the previous owners, they say.” He shrugged. “The family history kind of got lost with the house. Everyone around here calls her the Widow of Lacewood.”

Katie stood spellbound. The woman was clothed completely in black, but the magnificence of the gown gave the impression of sophistication and class. Her chin was slightly elevated as if to project strength, yet there was more than a hint of sorrow and pain in her eyes.

“She looks so sad.” Katie spoke without removing her gaze. “And so young. How could she be a widow?”

The sheriff had already started to walk away, but he turned back and glanced at the painting. “Not sure, but they say she never remarried.”

Katie’s heart suddenly struggled to beat. The anguish in the woman’s eyes kept her riveted. She could see the pain. Feel a heart ripped apart. Something was missing that could never be replaced. Katie had felt such loss before. In a way that’s why she was here.

“You coming?”

Katie heard the sheriff calling from the next room, and turned to follow. With one quick glance back, she noticed particles of dust now swirled and danced in a shaft of light, almost like a living thing. Her breath caught in her throat as the dust seemed to materialize into the form of a woman, her eyes dull with the same tortured despair and disbelief as the one in the portrait.

Katie jerked her head around for a closer look and blinked. The woman was gone. 

About the Author:

Jessica James believes in honor, duty, and true love—and that’s what she writes about in her award-winning novels that span the ages from the Revolutionary War to modern day.

She is a two-time winner of the John Esten Cooke Award for Southern Fiction, and has won more than a dozen other literary awards, including a Readers' Favorite International Book Award and a Gold Medal from the Military Writers Society of America. Her novels have been used in schools and are available in hundreds of libraries including Harvard and the U.S. Naval Academy.

James is a member of the Romance Writers of America, the Historical Novel Society, and the Independent Book Publishers Association.

Amazon Author Page:

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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

#Excerpt: DATING BY THE BOOK by Mary Ann Marlowe

Dating by the Book
Mary Ann Marlowe
Published by: Kensington
Publication date: June 25th 2019
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Is love just something you find in books?
Six months ago, writer and bookstore owner Maddie Hanson was left at the altar. Since then, she’s had zero interest in romance—despite the fact that she runs a book club full of sexy eligible bachelors. But when her latest novel is panned by an anonymous blogger who goes by the name Silver Fox—and who accuses her of knowing nothing about passion—she decides to prove her nemesis wrong by seeking a romance hero in real life . . .
There’s the smoldering rock musician, the bookish college professor, and her competitive childhood friend who may want to steal her bookstore more than her heart. Even Silver Fox is getting in on the action, sending Maddie alarmingly—and intoxicatingly—flirtatious emails. And that’s not all. Her ex wants her back.
Now Maddie is about to discover that like any good story, life has twists and turns, and love can happen when you least expect it—with the person you least expect . .

The cry of You’ve got mail! broke the silence, and I made the mistake of checking my phone. The preview showed me an incoming email from Silver Fox. I steeled my nerves for the inevitable sting and clicked the link with one eye closed, bracing for a deadly attack. Here he was a total stranger, and the prospect alone of what he might say had my heart racing worse than a Stephen King novel.
I bounced my foot on the spindle of the stool and dove headfirst into what I was sure would be a flogging.
Ms. Kincaid,
I don’t know why I’m responding to you, but I confess that I keep arguing with you in my head, so I’ve finally decided to tell you a thing or two.
First, you’re wrong if you think reviewers don’t hear from authors. We hear plenty, and trust me when I tell you that responses can be pretty vicious. I sometimes ignore them, but believe it or not, I do realize that authors are people, too, which is why I find myself wanting to mentor you to a better mental place. My main argument is that you shouldn’t respond to reviewers because your opinion is no longer valid. Or let me rephrase it—your opinion is no more valid than mine.
Second, I find myself once again in the position of defending my own personal situation. While I do enjoy video games as much as anyone of my generation, it’s not my primary occupation. In fact, writing reviews is my hobby. I may do this in my underwear, but not simultaneously at my mother’s house.
Third, I do have a healthy imagination, and I can read between the lines. You may have romantic experience, but I suspect you’ve forgotten what it feels like to truly be in love. Unfortunately for me, love is a feeling I’m all too familiar with, and I recognize when someone is faking it. If I could offer you some free advice, I’d urge you to get out and get more experience—romance, sex, heartache. Live a little. If you haven’t felt your stomach flip when your hand brushes someone else’s, if your spine doesn’t tingle when you think back on your first kiss, you can’t bring those feelings to your readers.
Or ignore me. I’m sure there will be plenty of readers who don’t care about the romance anyway. You can write for them.
Heartache? He wanted me to intentionally fly into that turbulence again? It had taken me six months to nurse myself from the depths of the abyss before I could sink my fingernails into the ledge and heave myself up and out. Silver Fox expected me to just do it again? Sure.
But what if he was right? What if the cocoon I’d wrapped myself in was preventing me from writing a genuine relationship? Worse, what if it was preventing me from moving on with my life?
I poked at my bruised heart and didn’t recoil in agony. Had it dried up and died?
“Live a little.” Like that was so easy.
I made a fresh latte and walked over to sit with fellow romance-phobe Charlie.
“What are you working on, Charlie?”
“Reading.” He closed his laptop and stretched. “Why do you think so much of literature is about waiting? Why can’t it all just be the good parts? Why do I have to wade through hundreds of pages lost in the mines of Moria before getting to some real action?”
“Are we talking about Tolkien?”
“It’s just a metaphor. So much wandering around. My patience grows short.”
“Sounds like my life. I strayed from the path in Mirkwood forest and can’t find my way back.”
“Have you considered flipping pages?”
“Of my life?” I laughed, trying to imagine how that would work.
“Why not? Choose your own adventure.” He pointed his index finger toward an invisible lightbulb. “Stuck in the mines? Go over the mountain.”
“Maybe, but it’s still a choice. Or just go to the next chapter. It can’t be that hard.”
I considered his premise. “But what if you skipped over all the boring or hard parts of life? You’d go straight to your death bed!”
“Hmm. I think you can always choose to stray from the path.” He stirred his coffee. “And with that in mind, I’m going to make a monumental decision to start a new book.” His eyes sharpened with sincerity. “You could, too.”
Charlie the Chronicler had struck again.
“Choose your own adventure . . .”
Peter wasn’t even in this chapter of my life. How long was I expected to wait for the return of the king? Did I have to return to the original path? Did I have to wait for Peter to come back around?
Or could I consider other avenues?
What if, instead of sitting in my own self-pity, I took a chance on a perilous quest fraught with messy complications, whose successful completion seemed impossible? It wasn’t like there was safety hiding in the mines anyway. I’d already spent six months in the dark, chased by a cave troll of emotional destruction. I might not die of heartbreak, but loneliness rose up like a flaming Balrog from the depths of hell, and only I could choose to fly to higher ground.
I wanted to emerge as the heroine of my own adventure. A badass heroine controlling her own destiny.

Author Bio:
Some Kind of Magic is Mary Ann Marlowe's first novel. When not writing, she works by day as a computer programmer/DBA. She spent ten years as a university-level French professor, and her resume includes stints as an au pair in Calais, a hotel intern in Paris, a German tutor, a college radio disc jockey, and a webmaster for several online musician fandoms, plus she has a second-degree black belt.
She has lived in twelve states and three countries and loves to travel. She now lives in central Virginia where she is hard at work on her second novel. She loves to hear from readers and can be reached through her website at, on Facebook,, and at

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

#Excerpt: KNIGHTMARE ARCANIST by Shami Stovall

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Magic. Sailing. A murderer among heroes.

Gravedigger Volke Savan wants nothing more than to be like his hero, the legendary magical swashbuckler, Gregory Ruma. First he needs to become an arcanist, someone capable of wielding magic, which requires bonding with a mythical creature. And he’ll take anything—a pegasus, a griffin, a ravenous hydra—maybe even a leviathan, like Ruma.

So when Volke stumbles across a knightmare, a creature made of shadow and terror, he has no reservations. But the knightmare knows a terrible secret: Ruma is a murderer out to spread corrupted magic throughout their island nation. He’s already killed a population of phoenixes and he intends to kill even more.

In order to protect his home, his adopted sister, and the girl he admires from afar, Volke will need to confront his hero, the Master Arcanist Gregory Ruma.

A fast-paced flintlock fantasy for those who enjoy How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell, Unsouled (Cradle Series) by Will Wight, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan.

Buy Links:


A flash of rain pelted the entire city, but only for a few seconds, as though the heavens coughed and forgot to cover their mouth. The man secured his pack shut, protecting his vegetables.

“Oh, this again,” he said.

“Does this happen often?”

“Storms happen frequently enough,” he replied. “This ain’t no storm, though. It’s those flashy arcanists. They like makin’ a show. Just you wait. You’ll see somethin’ good yet.”

Making a show?

I headed toward the docks. Despite the creeping chill, I moved with energy and purpose. Crowds of people clogged the roadways, making travel by foot damn near impossible, even for an arcanist. Frustrated, I jumped onto the wheels of a nearby carriage and used the extra height to pull myself onto the roof of a building. The A-frame roof made for a steep trek, but the tiles were easy to grip, even when wet.

Once on top, I turned my attention to the nearest pier.

A tremendous flash of lightning lit the sky. Thunder chased after, strong enough to rattle the windows and pierce straight to my bone. Luthair shifted through the shadows as another round lit the sky. I knew some arcanists could control the weather, but I had never seen a demonstration so showy before.

A flurry of snow soon followed, but like the rain, it lasted only a few seconds. People lifted their hands in the air, trying to catch the snowflakes as they approached the earth. Most evaporated before anyone could hold them, but I managed to catch a few on my tongue.

The ocean waters beyond the docks swirled into whirlpools. Two cyclones of saltwater rose upward, forming pillars of ocean as thick as forty oak trees, each stretching straight to the sky.

Rapt by the show of magic, I almost didn’t notice the massive leviathan snaking through the ocean. Its shiny scales glistened with each new flash of lightning. The serpent-like body must’ve been as long as ten galley ships and as thick as a three-mast sailing ship. Although the mystical creature never lifted his head out of the water, I already knew who he was.

Decimus—Gregory Ruma’s legendary leviathan.

About the Author:Shami Stovall relies on her BA in History and Juris Doctorate to make her living as an author and history professor in the central valley of California. She writes in a wide range of fiction, from crime thrillers to fantasy to science-fiction. Stovall loves reading, playing video games, entertaining others with stories, and writing about herself in the third person.


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Monday, June 17, 2019

#Excerpt: WHEN LOVE CALLS YOU HOME by Donna Simonetta

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Donna will award a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn commenter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Stephanie Williams left skid marks on the road out of Willow Springs, Vermont after she finished high school. She didn't return until her company sent her to evaluate the town for a massive development project. Back then she thought the town was way too small and too cold. Now the cold isn't as much of an issue since she's reconnected with her childhood friend, Donald Flanagan. Stephanie doesn't remember his eyes being quite so green, or his body quite so built. He's smart and funny as he ever was, and a forest-fire sized attraction burns between them.

Donald never understood his old friend's driving need to leave Willow Springs. He loves everything about it. When he learns the truth about Stephanie's project, and how it will turn his hometown into a theme-park version of itself, will it extinguish the flame that has sparked between them?

Buy links:


Whenever she was ready. That was a joke. 

Stephanie wasn’t sure she’d ever be ready. She stood at the door to his apartment and crinkled the white paper bag she held in one hand and swiped her other hand’s sweaty palm on her white jeans. It had been years since she’d been this nervous about eating dinner with a man, and it was dinner with Donald Flanagan, for God’s sake! Her nerdy, childhood friend. There was no reason to be nervous with him. Except, he’d grown up and filled out, and was one fine looking man now, in addition to still being the smart, funny, nice guy he had always been. 

As a matter of fact, he’d become the perfect man. Not to mention, somewhere along the way he’d learned to kiss like an alpha male dream––all in control and powerful––Stephanie grew weak in the knees at just the memory of their kiss last night in Finnigan’s parking lot.

About the Author:

Donna Simonetta writes the kind of books she loves to read--contemporary romances filled with heart, heat, and humor, like the books of her favorite romance writers, Susan Mallery and Jill Shalvis. A Sweeter Spot is the first book in the Rivers Bend trilogy, which is set in a fictional small town, populated by quirky characters. But if you prefer a big city setting and a little fantasy mixed in with your romance, try Angels Fly. A heartwarming story, set in beautiful San Diego, about getting a second-chance with your first love, with a little help from some unlikely guardian angels.

Writing is Donna's third career. She has worked in the business world, which she decided wasn't for her. So she went back to school to get her MLS degree, and worked in a school library, before deciding to pursue writing on a full-time basis. Donna lives in Maryland with her husband, who is her real-life romance hero. They enjoy traveling to visit far-flung family and friends, and spending time on the beach with an umbrella drink and a good book.

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Friday, June 14, 2019

#Excerpt: LOST HORIZON by Michelle Hercules

Lost Horizon
Michelle Hercules
(Oz in Space, #1)
Publication date: June 10th 2019
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult

A magical planet torn apart by war. A defiant space pilot cadet determined to save the ones she loves. The adventure of a lifetime.

Oz like you have never seen before.

Space Academy prodigy Dorothy Hanson doesn’t have time for love nonsense. She has one goal, complete the mission her parents started before their untimely death.

When a cosmic disturbance hits the Kansas Space Station, Dorothy seizes that opportunity to go on her first space voyage. She didn’t expect to be sucked into a vortex nor land on a strange planet ravaged by war.

Stranded, she must embark on a perilous mission to the Land of Oz, the only nation that possesses the technology to send her home. Three strangers join Dorothy in her quest, all carrying reasons of their own for reaching Emerald City. A man without memories marked with a strange symbol on his face. A cyborg with a chip on his shoulder and a mysterious past. And a scarred hellioncat plagued by nightmares in the dark.

Dorothy doesn’t know if she can trust them, but as their journey progresses, their bond becomes stronger and Dorothy’s feelings evolve from suspicion to caring too much. Torn between contradicting emotions, she must find the strength to fight the evil forces that stack up against them along the way. Surviving the trip on the yellow road is priority number one, but can she survive losing her heart?

With my heart pounding fiercely inside my chest, I leave Horizon’s shadow, circling around its mangled front to peer at what lies on the other side. My jaw slackens when I spot an armored vehicle in the shape of a spider and as wide as a tank, attempting to stand on its multiple mechanical legs. They are bent and can’t withstand the weight of the vehicle’s body, which has also suffered substantial damage.
Oh my stars. That’s what I hit when Horizon crashed. Is there anyone inside?
I run toward the alien machinery, stopping short when it finally collapses in a heap of distorted metal. A large piece of its frame—the door is my guess—flies out as if pushed by an incredible force. A woman dressed in black-and-red armor jumps out of the vehicle, her flaming crimson hair a stark contrast to her colorless skin. Her appearance reminds me of the wicked witches depicted in ancient children’s books. She pierces me with soulless eyes before she menacingly raises one hand in my direction.
“You! How dare you attack me!”
“I didn’t mean to crash into you. It was an accident. Are you okay?”
She ignores my question and ambles forward, favoring one leg. Shocked to see someone who looks human by all accounts and speaks the official language of the Star Freedom Alliance, I don’t realize what the woman intends to do until a glowing red energy sphere erupts from the woman’s hand, bearing down on me.
I leap out of the projectile’s trajectory just in time, missing the blast by a hair. The ground explodes in a shower of debris where the energy sphere landed. My survival instincts kick in. Getting back on my feet, I whirl with my blaster, ready to fire. But the evil woman moves so fast I can’t take aim. She fires another power blast in my direction, hitting the tip of my weapon and sending it flying away.
Before I can retrieve my blaster, she launches herself at me, pushing me to the ground with her on top. Her cold fingers wrap around my neck, pressing hard as her demented stare pierces through my eyes. Thrashing my body as I attempt to free my airway from her merciless grip, I spot a great shadow cross the sky, momentarily blocking the sun. Mirus. He’s still nearby. The knowledge gives me renewed strength. I will not die today at the hands of this witch.
Toto jumps on her shoulder and bites her on the cheek. The deranged woman shrieks before releasing my neck to deal with him. Free at last, I shove her off me and quickly roll back onto my feet.
I need my blaster.
Searching manically for it, I spot the weapon only a few paces from where I stand. I make a dash for it, throwing my body on the ground when I sense a blast coming my way. Another explosion sounds nearby as I curl my fingers around the gun’s handle.
Rolling on my back, I take aim, firing in the next second. The blast hits the evil creature squarely on her chest, sending her flying backward. Using my hand for support, I push myself off the ground. The woman is lying on her back, utterly still. Moving closer with care, I keep my blaster poised to fire. When I stop next to her inert form, I understand why she’s not moving. The witch is dead.

Author Bio:
USA Today bestselling author Michelle Hercules always knew creative arts were her calling but not in a million years did she think she would write a novel. With a background in fashion design she thought she would follow that path. But one day, out of the blue, she had an idea for a book. One page turned into ten pages, ten pages turned into a hundred, and before she knew, her first book, The Prophecy of Arcadia, was born.
Michelle Hercules resides in The Netherlands with her husband and daughter. She is currently working on the Legends of Gattica series.

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