Monday, June 8, 2020

#Review: A WINTER'S KNIGHT by Barbara Bettis

  3.5 of 5 stars

When Sir Nicholas is alerted to a stray horse near the keep during a raging snow storm, he rides out to try and find the rider. What he finds is a half-frozen young woman in a snowdrift. He brings her back to the keep and enlists the help of the few residents to try and save her. When she finally wakes, he finds himself drawn to Lady Clare, but there's a mystery surrounding the young beauty. When her betrothed shows up to claim her, Nicholas is not at the keep. He can't stop thinking about her, but can he win her hand?

This was an pleasant book although most of the action happens at the end of the story. I'm not a fan of the insta-love trope especially when the couple has only known each other for 2 days. The addition of Father John and the twist he brings about was clever and added much to the story. I enjoyed the secondary characters as well especially young Tom. This was a quick read, but I wished Nicholas and Clare could have explored their feelings more before declaring their love for each other. 

There were also a number of typos throughout the manuscript and that knocked another 1/2 star off my rating. I voluntarily read this book and all opinions are my own.


He’s running from his past; she’s running from her future. But on a snowy winter night, they find each other and the surprising gift of love.

Sir Nicholas has given up on marriage. These days he’s content to captain his friend’s troops and avoid entanglements—until one winter night when he rescues a half-frozen woman from a snowstorm. Her irrepressible spirit and kindness to others reminds him that all ladies aren’t like his former intended, who wed his brother while Nick was on crusade. But he can’t open his heart to Lady Clare. She’s bound to another, and Nick won’t forfeit his honor. Even if she were free, he has nothing to offer but love, and this lady deserves everything.

Lady Clare’s dying grandfather has arranged her betrothal, but the arrival of the man she’s to wed sends her fleeing into a snowstorm. Injured when her horse stumbles, she’s rescued by a mysterious knight. She recovers at his run-down manor, safe at last—until her betrothed tracks her down two days before Christmas. Trapped at home with the wedding imminent, she longs for the winter knight she’s come to love.

Only a miracle can bring Clare and Nick together. But at Christmas, anything is possible.


The book will be $0.99 during the tour.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Award-winning author Barbara Bettis has always loved history and English. As a college freshman, she considered becoming an archeologist until she realized there likely would be bugs and snakes involved. And math. Through careers as a newspaper reporter and editor, then a college journalism and English professor, she’s retained her fascination with history. Give her a research book and a pot of tea, and she’s happy for hours. But what really makes her smile is working on a new story. Now retired, she lives in Missouri where she edits for others and spins her own tales of heroines to die for—and heroes to live for.

Find Barbara Here:

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  1. Nice cover. I liked the blurb. It sounds like a really interesting book. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi Diana, thanks for stopping by my blog. Good luck in the contest.

    2. Thanks Diana! I'm so glad you stopped by. I loved that cover too :)

  2. Congratulations on your new release and thanks for sharing your great book.

    1. Hi James. Thanks for stopping by and good luck with the contest.

    2. I appreciate the kind words, James. Thank you for being here.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Rita. I'm so grateful that it's a finalist in some published contests. Glad you stopped by.

  4. I appreciate your hosting me today, and for the thoughtful review. Thank you so much!

  5. I like the cover with the Male Knight on it :)

  6. I love the cover, this sounds great


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