Wednesday, December 13, 2023

#Interview with Traci Wooden-Carlisle and D. Tina Batten, THE PRAYER WARRIOR

Can you give us a brief overview of your latest book? Is it part of a series?

The Prayer Warrior is a Christian fiction supernatural novel about a student counsellor for a Christian Academy who prays, lends a listening ear and advice to the students and staff of the school. At night, while she dreams, Ms. V intercedes and battles for the souls of her students.  It is a standalone book but d. Tina Batten and I do have plans for book two.


Have you ever had a minor character evolve into a major one? Did that change the direction of the novel at all? Did the character become the hero/heroine of their own book?

In my Promises to Zion series the sister in the first book is a secondary character but her true identity is revealed in the second book, thus creating a deeper backstory for her and some of the other original main characters. There was even a breakout book with her as the main character.


Do you have an ARC review team? How did you recruit your reviewers? BookFunnel? Readerlinks? Booksprout?

I use Bookfunnel to send out and track ARC copies. It allows me to move forward since it has automatic features.


Do you regularly send out a newsletter? How are you recruiting new subscribers? Do you have a reader magnet?

I usually send out a newsletter once a month. After much consideration, I did make my novella from my romantic suspense series a free gift to those who subscribe to my newsletter.


Did you hire an editor to review your manuscript before publishing?

 Absolutely! I get so far into my head when writing I miss grammatic and spelling errors all of the time. It is much easier to let a professional take care of it.


Is your book available in audio format? Briefly describe how your narrator was chosen?

Yes. My co-author Traci and I are so delighted to have our book, The Prayer Warrior available via audio format. In search of the perfect narrator who was chosen for this project was a divine connection to say the least. It happened so fast.  Traci and I were in the very beginning stage of seeking a narrator. We had just auditioned one other company prior to finding the right person for this project (Anita Faye Thomas) whom Traci found in passing. She was at the right place at the right time. The conversation was organic and after one audition, we knew she was the perfect person for our book project. If you have a chance to listen to the audiobook version of our book, you will quickly agree. She did a phenomenal job on the project.


Do you outline your story or just go where your muse takes you?

Yes, Definitely outline. I’m a big fan of outlining any story I write and will recommend that step to anyone. It will help save time by organizing your thoughts, making the necessary corrections along the way if something in the storyline isn’t working. Trust me! To outline your story is a good thing. 

What advice would you give a new author just entering into the self-publishing arena?
I would first congratulate the new author for finishing their book project and considering self-publishing. That’s a huge hurdle to cross alone. After the manuscript is complete, this is when the hard work truly begins. There is a mountain of very important decisions the author must make. It’s the end of one process and the beginning of another. 

The author can publish the book he or she truly desires because the author maintains direct control of every aspect of publishing the book. The author must make the important decisions about anything and everything involving their book. It’s good to find a team of trusted professionals to help bring the author's vision to life. Outsource when you can depending on the budget. It’s a time saver. Search for a great editor, graphic designer to help create the best possible book cover to draw readers to want to purchase the book. And this is only the beginning.You need to decide on publishing platforms to distribute the book, marketing of the book, etc.  Research! Research! Research! There is a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done with self-publishing. But the rewards are great. 

Besides writing, do you have any other passions?

I’m a very creative person. I love the performing arts ministry and try to stay connected to those roots. I’m always working on projects. I could be producing a stage play, dinner show, film, or concert. No telling with me. You will have to follow me and stay tuned in for sure ;-)

Some fun facts about you, which do you prefer – dogs or cats? Chocolate or vanilla? Coffee or Tea? Talk or Text? Day or Night?

I prefer Dogs, Chocolate, Tea, Talk and Night.






There is a thin line between the natural and the spiritual realm.
Ms. V., a humble servant of the Lord, has been placed on assignment at Center of Hope Christian Academy.

By day, she serves as a trusted counselor for students, giving them a safe haven to pour out their innermost feelings while providing professional and honest truth wrapped in a firm kindness and love that inevitably draws them closer to Jesus. Not to be outdone, the faculty also bends her ear from time to time.

By night, Ms. V. enters the spiritual realm and takes her place on the battlefield as one of God’s faithful prayer warriors. She wields her whispering sword, slicing through the enemy’s plans to bind the precious hearts under her charge.
Her assignment’s burden on her physical body is taxing, but can she withstand the strain and remain victorious?
Saving souls is her true mission, but at what cost?

Readers are in for a journey of spiritual intrigue and biblical insight as they experience the ramifications of each character’s life-altering decision.



AUTHOR Bio and Links:


D. “Tina” Batten is a loving mother, wife, sister, daughter and Mima to her grandchildren. She is a gifted visual storyteller who is passionate about bringing encouraging messages of inspiration and hope to the world.

Tina Batten, a writer for over eighteen years of various dramatic works of performing art via stage, and film, encompasses unique ways of creating fascinating story concepts that touch the heart of most who view or read her work. She is both honored and thrilled to have teamed up with long-time friend, sister in the gospel and co-author Tracy on this phenomenal collaborative book project. With such a humble heart and desire to bring people together in love and unity, Tina Batten will continue her work as a visual storyteller spreading the good news of Jesus Christ one project after the other. 


As Always, D. “Tina” Batten gives God All the Glory!


You can find her at the following social media platforms:


Facebook Page:

FB: Tina Batten Profile:



Subscribe to Sister Batten YouTube Channel

Walking in the Spirit Trailer

If Not For The LORD, Where Would I Be? Delicious Episode Trailer


Traci Wooden-Carlisle

Traci Wooden-Carlisle began writing to publish in 2011 and enjoys writing stories that provoke thought and evoke emotions. Her desire is to draw readers into the lives of her characters and share messages of God’s love, His faithfulness and peace. The messages in her books speak to her way before they speak to her readers.


Traci lives in San Diego with her husband, David. When she isn’t writing she does some light traveling or assists people with their physical fitness, creates graphics, designs pretty things for her jewelry business and swag for authors. 


You can find her on the following social media platforms.












Book Video:



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