Tuesday, May 28, 2024

#Review: ALL'S FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR by Virginia Heath


4 of 5 stars

I enjoy Ms. Heath's books, and this one was no different, although I did have a few issues with it. Mostly with Flora, Harry's sister. She seemed more than a bit flightly to me, as that's how she's been described throughout the book. But that bothered me because what mother would go and abandon her children to go on an adventure. How very selfish, especially since she didn't even have the decency to tell Harry or write to him. 

I did very much like Harry and Georgie. At the beginning of the story they were like oil and water, but through a series of misadventures, Georgie begins to see Harry in a different light. He's not the uptight, strait-laced man she thought he was when he hired her. This story was also about Georgie's realization that her self-doubts and loathing about the way she looked were not really true anymore. Granted, she was probably an awkward 16-year-old, but now she was a full-grown, desirable woman. I loved it when she finally realized that.

The children's characters were cute, and, of course, Norbert was the star and the bane of Harry's existence. I thought the ending was just a little rushed, but finally, Harry and Georgie got their HEA.

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